
Zhao Cheng held his hand and gave a light drink.

“weng! ”

A silhouette of a sacred look, emerged from Zhao Cheng behind.

Each silhouette has a formidable aura, with the body containing endless terrifying mana, like an invincible quasi-powerhouse.

If it weren’t for these powerhouses that looked like they were lost, everyone thought it was the real quasi-powerhouse.

And these silhouettes have a total of ten.

Or old, or less, or male, or female…

“No, these are living empires!”

The black armor Wang exclaimed, and his heart was chilly.

“Bai Laozi, Wanling Fairy, Yunhaitian will…”

He has recognized the identity of several of these silhouettes. These are in the Eastern Frontier, and there is no small name for the powerhouse, strength out of the ordinary.

Like the old boy, he even beat him thousands of years ago!

Although after ten thousand years, the appearance of the old boy, he still did not forget, the boy who was as thin as a dry wood, was the old boy who defeated him.

The rest are also with the old boy, the same Level 1 powerhouse.

“These are not lost years before 100, or even millions of years ago. It is said to be ruined and degraded?”

Black armor Wang Hao big pair of eyes.

There is a faint guess in his heart. These prospective emperors did not disappear because of the practice of setback, and then disappeared into the magic, but they were turned into Zhaocheng’s servants!


Black armor king sucked in a breath of cold air, heart Chunin could not live cold.

If this is the case, then is it not that the ten emperors have obeyed Zhao Cheng’s orders, which is too terrifying!

Zhao Cheng alone, can be seen as a large influence!

In the Eastern Frontier, there is an influence of the ancient sacred 擘 oversee, which can only be counted as a flow of influx, and peak ancient overover can be counted as a three-fluid influence.

With the prospective emperor oversee, it can be regarded as the second-rate influence.

In the battle for the battle of the emperor in the early Tai dynasty, a quasi-emperor can intervene in it, enough to dominate the affiliation of the emperor.

If there are ten ex-employers oversee, it can be counted as a first-class influence. Except for the influence of the emperor oversee, it is the top-ranking influence.

Even some of the great tribes do not have ten quasi-emperors.

“Ten ex-emperors, even if they are the ones who want to cope with them, they will not be able to get involved, let alone Zhao Shenzi on the side.”

The black armor whispered.

Even if the cultivation is in the realm of the emperor, the face of the ten emperors will be constrained.

Together with Zhao Cheng, where is the ordinary person?


Mu Ling fairy saw the ten emperors, and suddenly caught them, as if they were struck by lightning.

From the ten emperors, she suddenly saw her own end, suddenly woke up, her face with a fearful expression, turned and wanted to escape.

“weng! ”

Zhao Cheng looked back and smiled. The pair of eyes was like a starry sky, and an invisible wave spread.

The eyes of Mu Ling’s fairy eyes glimpsed Zhao Cheng’s gaze, and suddenly he stopped, and turned his face.

Then, on the face, two groups of shy blush appeared, and the infatuated looks at Zhao Cheng.


This can be seen that the black armor king is extremely chilling, and quickly bowed his head, afraid to see Zhao Cheng, afraid to make up the footsteps of the Muring Fairy.

‘This is the philosophy of the gods of heaven! It is also the foundation of the Heavenly Gods called Tiandu Demon Sect, which is clearly a magical scripture! ‘

The black armor king is in the heart.

Just look at it, the mind is taken by it, this is not a magic, what is it?

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