
Sword light billion, killing intent million.

Zhao Chengyijian has evolved into a mighty sword sea, and this Fang Tianyu is covered in it.

“Regional barbarians, let’s die peacefully!”

Zhao Cheng is driving the Excalibur, a faint look at Qin Yi, a pair of eyes with a trace of mercy.

He is in the poor old god.

Even if the ancient gods can break the realm of the emperor in battle, in his eyes is still like the lamb to be slaughtered!

What’s more, the region’s indigenous people, also with the current before the Son of God?

The kill!

This killing intent saw the black armor king and the Muring Fairy stunned, the Muring Fairy was okay, the mind was taken by Zhao Cheng, just a glimpse, the pair of eyes still obsessed staring at Zhao Cheng.

The black armor is shocked: “Is this Zhao Shenzi actually attacking?”

Immediately, it will be awkward.

Why did Zhao Cheng take the shot, the purpose is obvious, is not to kill the ancient god?

The ancient gods enlightened under the command of Qin Yi, and they have escaped their own barriers. Without the secret of the emperor, they can achieve the supreme power of the emperor.

If you leave the emperor road, the ancient gods can completely enter the emperor.

Zhao Cheng is not willing to take a shot!

‘This Zhao Shenzi, is so despicable? ‘

The black armor sighed.

“Zhao Cheng!”

The ancient gods angered and rushed to the crown.

However, he was seriously injured in the hands of Qin Yi, and was attacked by Zhao Cheng.

If he did not activate a Hollow empty sign, I am afraid that even Zhao Cheng’s sword could not resist it, let alone his injury now, how to avoid this sword?

“weng! ”

The sword light is like a tidal wave.

The vast swords are like Nine Heavens, and they are falling down.

The number of Baili, which was set up by the gods of the ancients, was covered, and the sword edge was in the direction of the gods. The gods of the ancients had a cold heart and nowhere to escape.


The old man of the wilderness jumped a little and suddenly spurred his own injury. With the body’s Sword Intent, it was madly chaotic, and it was linked to the sword sea on the Scorpio, forcing it to suppress the fluctuation of the body.

In the end, the ancient gods could not move half a point.

I can only watch the looks at the vast Sword Intent, and my face is pale.

‘Don’t the Son of God die here today? ‘

The ancient gods smiled bitterly.

Just then, a silhouette appeared in front of him.

One person stands proudly, just like the immortal monument, the sun and the moon will not shake its roots.

“this is ?”

The ancient gods startled.

The invisible aura is stirring, and if an ancient god is standing, the imposing manner becomes more and more powerful and powerful, and it goes straight into Nine Heavens.

The next moment, this god is exhaling:


Just like a Taikoo god who made a big bang in the sky, this word, in the air of Hollow, provoked endless turbulence, terrifying waves in this world.

That vast sea of ​​swords is even more shocking!


A scream, Tianhe rewinds!

“hōng lòng Long!”

For a moment, the sky was cracked and the stone was flying.

Under this circumstance, dozens of ten thousand zhang high mountains collapsed within a radius of a thousand miles, and the mountains and rivers were shaken. I don’t know how many souls fell on the spot, just like the end of the world.

A broken mountain river!


Zhao Cheng was even caught off guard, and was swept by this sound wave and flew directly to Baili!

Its internal organs are about to crack, and a blood squirts out.


Zhao Cheng looks ugly.

That is the silhouette of the old man, not Qin Yi, who is it?

Pair of eyes Deterrence, the hand is standing, the endless squatting on the body, disregarding Zhao Cheng!

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