
A crisp crackle.

First of all, the limpid autumn water slash in the hands of the Holly shadow of the time method, cracking countless cracks from the middle, instantly breaking into numerous pieces and splashing.

The rules of time contained in it are not in the world.


This time method Hollow shadows a sigh of utter sorrow, the whole body is like a delicate porcelain, a little broken, and ultimately to the silence.

“No, this is impossible!”

At this time, the emperor just gave a roar and looked scared.

“Time is one!”

The emperor’s fear of urging his own manpower allowed him to cover his own time and attempt to reply to peak.

Unfortunately, it is already late.


A light sound is like a balloon being smashed, and a large, large stock of blood spurts out of his abdomen.

Then, the body of the emperor suddenly shot countless blood everywhere, even the power of the law of time could not reverse his death.

“pi li pa la !”

The bones of the body are penetrated through the abdomen of the fist strength, inch-inch Collapse!

One yuan emperor expression panic, opened his mouth to say something, but it is too late to say.

The huge wound in the abdomen continues to spread, and in the blink of an eye, the whole person of the emperor is swallowed up, and it turns into countless pieces of blood that are contaminated with blood!

The blood dance is like a bloody rain.

One Yuan Emperor, the whole person with his own soul, was wiped out by Qin Yi!

This is the end.

One yuan emperor, die!


When it was, everyone in the room fell into a dead silence.

The black armor king and the Muring fairy, the whole person is turned into clay sculpture.

Did the Yuan Emperor die?

The supreme talent of the god, who is known as the one-dollar emperor, is enough to compete with many gods, so Qin Yi is beaten to death?

It is not that time is eternal. If you can’t break the law of time, you can’t hurt Him?

How could it be blown by a punch?

This is incredible!

Even if there are many gods on the scene, no one dares to say anything, can punch a dollar emperor!

In any case, this is also a peerless powerhouse with tens of millions of years of practice, and its practice time rule is unlikely to be so unbearable!

It’s hard to say that the words of the permanent emperor’s words before the monarchs are just bragging?

“Impossible, the monarch of the Yuan Dynasty used the law of time to resist the ten emperors, and even killed the ten emperors by their own power. His formidable is beyond doubt!

Doesn’t that mean…”

The black armor king did not say anything more.

If the fordable of the one-yuan emperor is undoubted, then this does not mean that Qin Yi is more fordid than the one-yuan emperor!

One yuan emperor is enough to compete with many gods and counter the quasi-empire.

Qin Yi is more formidable than one of the emperors. Can it be the threshold that has touched the emperor?

“Is this body qi? No, not just qi and blood, there is another Strength, which is like the power of World.

This is the beginning of the emperor!

This guy, actually built into the 8th Layer realm of the First Emperor, and condensed the Thousand Worlds, no wonder that this one can’t stop this punch! ”

Zhao Cheng’s eyes are condensed.

In the end, it was the existence of a cultivation cultivating spirit. At this time, it also revealed the reason why Qin Yi was able to kill a dollar emperor.

The beginning of the emperor.

The most prestigious Martial Arts of the First Emperor!

Taking the own body as a species and opening up the Hollow Magic World is equivalent to experiencing the process of opening up the original World before the emperor.

What’s more, Hollow’s Magic World is an enforceable own body that breaks out the power of formidable.

This cultivation technique, even in the eastern borders, is considered to be Xeon!

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