On the mountain of Chengdi.

A Venerable Lord kills the Gods of the long river and breaks free from the long river of time.

A member of the formidable Strength enforcement on the Yuan Emperor, Time Elapses, the injury of the One Yuan Emperor disappeared in a flash.

It’s like returning to the time when Qin Yi was not hit.

At this moment, his whole body is shrouded in infinite silver light, and the pair of eyes are like gods, and the endless shackles are brewing on them.

“Time law!”

The black armor gaze at the silhouette of the emperor behind, sucked in a breath of cold air.

This is the law of the unitary emperor condensed, one obeys the ancient mythical books, the time law of the condensed, has the power to dominate the time!

One yuan Emperor once relied on this divine ability, the same ten emperors, in a few breaths, the ten ex-emperors were knocked down by the real emperor, and even turned into a mortal, and then killed in one fell swoop.

“weng! ”

This round of Hollow is empty, the time seems to be heavy, and Space is even more condensed like iron. If the iron is hard, it is controlled by the Emperor.

The time flow rate of Qin Yi, where Qin Yi is located, is skyrocketing!


Qin Yi brow raised, when the time method appeared, he could perceive an invisible Strength to fall on his body, constantly pulling away from his Strength.

Moreover, his ten zhang Hollow is empty, and the time flow rate is hundreds of times faster than the outer boundary!

For a long time, fiddle with time and space!

‘This is the strength of the time divine ability? ‘

Qin Yi stood up and felt the invisible Strength, not panicked.

This kind of strength that manipulates time and space, he is not the first time to contact, he also exchanged time and space symbols in the System, but also opened up the time and space cultivation.

Compared with the time and space of the time and space cultivation, the time rule of the Yuan Emperor is simply a small witch!

“brat, do you know the people who have been angered by the past, and what kind of end will they fall to?”

One yuan emperor pair of eyes pale silver, overlooking Qin Yi.

“The deity is not interested in knowing.”

Qin Yi corner of the mouth, Yang, indifferently said.

I know that you want to show your formidable, but what about me?

Do you want to cooperate with you?


“brat, you are…!”

One yuan emperor was furious, and the killing intent in the eyes skyrocketed.

At this moment, he can’t wait to kill Qin Yi directly on the spot, this guy is too arrogant!

However, his words have not been finished.

Qin Yi’s body shape has moved, and it has disappeared in place.

“Not good !”

One yuan emperor turn pale with fright.

In his perception, he could not capture the trace of Qin Yi for a while!

You must know that the time and space around here is under His control. No matter who you are, as long as you have not become an emperor, you cannot escape His perception!

He did not prove the existence of the own body, and could not evade the spy of time and long distance with his own natural world, and naturally he could not escape his perception.

However, the shape of Qin Yi can no longer be perceived by him.


When Yiyuan Emperor perceives the existence of Qin Yi, Qin Yi has appeared in front of him.

Qu Jiancheng fists, a fist hit.


This punch is like a punch from the gods.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth collapsed, and the monarch did not have time to react. He could only protect the own body with the rules of time and weaken the fist of Qin Yi.

However, after all, it is only a hasty response.

The next moment.

The Yiyuan Emperor was beaten by Qin Yi, and his strong Strength almost blew his head directly.


The black armor is stunned.

If the Yiyuan Emperor was first fired, it could be said that it was an accident.

Then, the second time can not be summarized by accident!

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