
Black armor Martial Artist sighs softly.

He is also a great god of the Cangqing gods, one of the famous emperor powers, and was revered as the king of black armor by the creatures of the Great World.

Whether in the Great World of Cangqing or in other Great Worlds, it is under the Emperor’s, the top of the list of people, the cultivation base is moving.

But if you meet these few people, you still have to stop!

We must know that these are the sons of the Holy Lands of all parties. The road is so incredible that it has become a realm of the emperor, and has touched the realm of the emperor!

Everyone is far from being able to compete with the general quasi-emperor!

Even in every place, the Holy Land, it is like a mythical figure.

What is the Son of God?

The son of Gods!

These people have long been influenced by the parties and regarded as the seeds of the future Emperor.

For example, Jin Yanshen in the emperor’s world will not be worth mentioning in front of them.

“However, Cang Yunzi also promised me.

After this incident, as long as I worship the Dao Deity, the elder who is enshrined as a Taoist god, I will not take my life. ”

The black armor Wang thought of this, his heart was slightly loose.

“Compared with me, Muring Fairy is really a bad mold, I am afraid that life can not be separated from Zhao Cheng’s control, and become Zhao Cheng’s embarrassment.

Unless Zhao Cheng is dead, there is a possibility of getting out. ”

Black armor king taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune’s looked towards the god of the gods, Zhao Cheng behind the woman.

The woman is obsessed with the look at Zhao Cheng, a pair of eyes in the smoke, the delicate pretty face is full of red clouds, like a small woman.

Heavenly gods.

Degrees of people!

Tiandu Shenjiao teaches nine eras, and its fundamental Martial Arts is a man.

This is an extremely terrifying emperor. The rumor is that the first generation of the gods of the gods of God, from the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Wilderness, can be a world!

At that time, the first generation of the teachings of Tiandu Shenjiao, will be cultivation to big accomplishment, and even more than three emperors!

In the long years, the Tiandu gods have also declined, and they have been beaten to the mountain gates, causing people to be disabled by this emperor, no longer the power of the year.

However, after the Tiandu gods later, the past masters of the church have been painstakingly accustomed to complement the original imperial scriptures, although they can not be compared with the incomparable human beings, they also have incomparable terrifying power.

One thought, people, slaves!

“The celestial gods of the gods are really terrifying, and the cultivation base of the Muring Fairy is also less than me, and is easily transformed into a slave by Zhao Cheng.”

Black armor Wang Xin is jealous.

Mulling Fairy is also a son of the emperor’s alternate list. The result is that this is the end of the game. The black armor king has some heart and soul.

“According to the will of Emperor Lu Dian, there should be seven talents right.

How did the guy in Qianyuan still not show up, is it the idea of ​​mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind? ”

At this time.

Zhao Cheng suddenly started to talk, pair of eyes sighed to the extreme.

There were four people in the presence, that is, six people, one less.

Before entering the emperor’s road, they had perceived the fluctuations of Qianyuan’s use of the great formation of the sky. In the eyes of Zhao Cheng and other gods, no matter who the opponents of Qianyuan are, as long as they are not.

Most of the gods and quasi-emperors are not the opponents of Qianyuan!

Even the old Monsters who have practiced countless years in the quasi-emperor are not their opponents, and they can force the use of the great formation.

Everyone understands that the Yuan Yuan is still alive, right in this 9th layer World!

Even, it is very likely that it is nearby!

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