“weng! ”

A path of the gods in the Hollow air is constantly spreading, as if we are weaving a huge great formation, covering this side of Heaven and Earth.


Like a Supreme Immortal pen, I dropped my handwriting in Hollow’s air.

In the golden hook, the volley writes a great formation in the air of the endless Hollow, and a myriad of gods interweave to form a huge and unimaginable great formation.

“Realizing great formation!”

The Yuan Yuan suddenly shook his wings, and the sound was like Nine Heavens thunder.


As soon as this statement is made, if the gods vomit their voices, this world of Emperor Road seems to be under the words of Qian Yuan, and it is a shockingly simultaneous shock.

The spirit of the words in Jinyun’s words seems to incite Heaven and Earth to move the phagocytic law.

Numerous lines of gods bloomed with great brilliance, revealing their own brilliance in Hollow’s air.

Look carefully, you can find out what is the god pattern, clearly a path of phagocytic law, manifested in Hollow air, spurred by the 鲲 yuan!

Countless gods, including the entire World of the Road.

“weng! ”

When this great formation was formed, this side of World completely trembled, and the infinite gods shone all directions, vast and vast!

The terrifying majestic aura falls down like a waterfall, and the emperor roads are bursting under the aura, inspiring the heavens!

“this is ?”

Frost White Mountain is dumbfounded.

What kind of great formation is this?

A great formation that is enough to cover the entire world, I am afraid it is not a great formation, but I want to go not far?

Even in the end, this great formation merges into a huge furnace, a furnace that will cover the 6th Layer World!

This furnace, the entire emperor road seems to have a sense of tremor, still exists in the emperor’s existence, it seems to have a sense, Shen Hao looked toward this side of World.

“This is Qianyuan?”

“What do you want to do in Qianyuan? Isn’t this the most powerful strong formation of the enchanting family? Is it a great formation?”

“Who can force him to take out the things at the bottom of this box? Cang Yunzi?”

A respectful and strong existence, through the minds of countless thoughts.

Just across one side of World, everyone can only see the Yuan Yuan outside of World, but it is impossible to see who is in the World.

There is no idea for everyone to go and find out.

Not everyone is so crazy like Qian Yuan, and there is a temper to defy the Rule that exists in the emperor’s road, and is willing to pay a very heavy price for it.

“Interesting, the world is the furnace, World is the tripod, to refining a medicine pill, can come up with the existence of this method, it is a party.”

In the midst of it, a will that hangs above the emperor’s road also casts his gaze.

“However, if you want to truly refining a World, you can’t reach it with this little enchanting strength?”

That will only glimpsed a glimpse, feel free to comment.

At this level, even this great formation from the hands of the enchanting Emperor is just to make him a little interested in that’s all.

That’s it.

“Hey, this little enchanting person who wants to refining seems to be the little guy who refused to give up the spirit of the temple, his son?”

Interesting, this little guy actually stepped into the 6th Layer World? ”

“Whether, if this little guy can’t resist it, the spirit of the temple will send this little guy out of the emperor’s road. As for this little enchantress, stay in the emperor road!”

“Dare to defy the Rule left by Heaven, and ultimately pay some price, isn’t it?”

The whisper of the will is whispering.

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