‘In the memory passed down by the ancestors, isn’t humanity a race that can be shot at hand? Isn’t it the blood food of their family?


If this is done by terrifying, then Ben will not fall to this point. ‘

Frost White Mountain sadly thought.

If it is according to the memory it knows from the bloodline memory, human beings should not have such a formidable except for a few emperors.

At least, it will not exist in this eastern boundary, and it will not appear in this so-called Imperial Road World!

It should exist in the distant center domain and will not appear here.

‘Mama, compared with this person class killing God, I am afraid that I have no way to escape my hand for a lifetime, and I have been a pet of this guy for the rest of my life. ‘

Frost White Mountain could not think of it.

‘However, following this guy, Benedict should be able to traverse the eastern borders, and it is not impossible.

Cough cough, seems to be like this? ‘

Frost White Mountain thinks this, and seems to have a fate for the fate of the future.

Just in the frosty mountains, the confrontation on the Scorpio continues.

“Pūchī !”

The sound of flesh and blood splattered, and the body of the scorpion was dull, cut out of the scar, and dripped the hollow of the Hollow.

“Hey! Human, I want you to die, I want to swallow you!”

The pair of eyes are red, have been completely irritated, and constantly arrogant.

The anger to the ultimate 鲲元, has almost lost the rationality, is directly open a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, is to swallow Qin Yi.

He wants to directly devour Qin Yi the whole person!

Then swallow the divine ability and destroy Qin Yi!

He has great confidence in his own devouring divine ability, which is the divine ability that one of His family relies on.

In addition, He has condensed and swallowed the emperor, even if it is a cultivation into the emperor’s polar environment, such as Cang Yunzi here, He can swallow it!

Not to mention, Qin Yi!

“hōng lòng !”

Just like Kuangpeng out of heaven, the gods swallowed up hundreds of millions of stars.

The indescribable power of engulfing, filled with this piece of heaven in an instant, seems to be covered by a big mouth of Qian Yuan!

The vast mana shrouded the area of ​​a thousand miles, leaving only the terrifying sucking, if it turned into a devouring god.

Among them, the engulfing emperor belonging to the Qianyuan, filled the entire field.

The one man of the emperor can manipulate one of the thousands of Worlds, and the monk who has become a mana of extremes, has a part of the power of the emperor, manipulating the Holly empty, and only between leisurely.

Even, it can be turned into a god domain.

In this realm of the gods, Qian Yuan’s gestures are like the same gods, and they can swallow their omnipotence.


And the response to the Qian Yuan is just a glimpse.

Qin Yi people walked with them, and their bodies bloomed with gold and silver, turning into a long rainbow, sweeping the sky, and smashing into the Yuan!


The Wanli Divine of Qianyuan was even smashed by Qin Yi, tearing forcibly.

split into two!

Even the thousands of laws that exist in the realm seem to have been smashed in half by Qin Yi!


The Yuan Yuan did not care, suddenly violent, terrifying phagocytosis law lingered around his body, greet Qin Yi.

The next moment.

Qian Yuan, swallow Qin Yi in one bite!

Above the Scorpio, there is only one silver slit and a long crack, indicating the signs of the existence of Qin Yi.


A glimpse of the frosty white mountains.

What is the situation?

Benedict is just preparing to surrender to this person devil, and the human devil is swallowed up?

Is this playing this game?

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