“weng! ”

Qin Yi’s body inflated indefinitely in an instant. In the eyes of Frost White Mountain, Qin Yi was unrestrictedly elevated and aligned with the balance.

In the daytime, they are all the same size as the yuan.


Qin Yi has a stock of gold and gold, which is layered, like a burning glass of gold flame.

The sturdy Strength, surging in the limbs, is like a statue of a dragon, and in a flash, it is like a True Dragon roar!

Near the end of the world!

Just the strength of fleshy body, it has shaken the universe and incited Nine Heavens.

Then, a silver light emerged from the body of Qin Yi, like a world with countless creatures, in which it rises and falls!

World enforcement !

“weng! ”

But it must be.

Qin Yi’s body is surrounded by the brilliance of gold and silver, blending with each other.

The acupoints in his body also burst into the brilliance of a hot glory, a god of esteem, sitting in the acupoints, and mingling with his behind gods!

In the breath, the Strength from Hollow Magic World is constantly empowered on him.


Qin Yi’s wrist turned over, and one shot appeared in the hands of Qin Yi by a long halberd coiled by a silver True Dragon.

It is the silver dragon long halberd!

At this time, the silver dragon long halberd also swelled to the height of Qin Yi’s body. Although it is not a real soldier, it is free to change size.

This silver dragon long halberd can still do it.

“I will not be swallowed by you, I don’t know, but I know you will kill you!”

Qin Yi pupil light Indifferent, looking at the yuan.

Immediately, when he left, he shook the world of Ka-cha, as if he could not bear the strength of Qin Yi.

Long halberd dances, slams out!

“Come, let me die for you!”

Qin Yi is concise, if Nine Heavens Immortal falls.

This time, the demon slayer!

Just kill you!

“hōng lòng !”

This side of World, was swayed by Qin Yi’s terrifying blow, the infinite Strength, surging all directions.

At that moment, Qin Yi is like the master of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and the center of the entire Heaven and Earth. Once you get out, you can destroy one World.

Fleshy body, mana, soul, push to the point of the emperor’s extreme, is not a single Quasi-Emperor, can be comparable to Strength!

In addition, the sacred gods

“This person devil, I am afraid I am not going to be an emperor?”

Frost White Mountain felt the terrifying pressure from the sky, and said with horror.

In its eyes, the aura emitted by Qin Yi is terrifying several times more than the aura emitted by the ape!


Qin Yi pupil light Indifferent, coldly fallen.

Do you want to swallow?

Hey, kill you first!

Do you think you are strong?

Debbie is stronger!

Do you think you are sure to eat me?

I know, you can suppress you!


This eruption, the endless Space is shaking, shaking the sun and the moon.

In an instant, it seems that Qin Yi is not holding a long halberd in his hand, but a Taikoo Mountain, picked up by Qin Yi, and the entire Hollow space is collapsed!

That overflowing killing intent, sweeping Myriad Realms.

Twilight shadows Heaven and Earth, destroying everything.

This Strength, sweeping away the Qiankun, the vastness of the gods can scatter the huge demon power of the Qianyuan, suppressing the heavens!

What is your mana power, or what Divine Beast family, take the next one and say it!

If you can’t take it, then you will die!

A glimpse of the sky.

The so-called god of the fallen aloof and remote, the descendants of Divine Beast!

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