
World collapsed.

Under this unimaginable strength, World on this side, Shatter.

A huge and unmeasurable terrifying shadow, from the outside of 6th Layer World, squeezed in and obscured this side.

“hōng lòng !”

Monster qi Earthquakes, the vastness of the vast aura, instantly filled the entire World.

A magnificent enchanting shadow, jumping out of the sky, wings and wings, rolling up thousands of miles tornado, this world is shaken.


A screaming sound, a hole in the universe.

The monster qi gradually dissipated, revealing a long-awaited demon bird with scales.

Wings of clouds, hanging above Nine Heavens!

The terrifying powers swept through the heavens, and surged like waves of waves, raging in this world.

The mountain and the earth turning upside down!

The shattered aura leaks and can crack the Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers, which contains the destruction of the heavens, the strength of the earth!

“What is Monster this time?”

Frost White Mountain whole body shudder, difficult to raise the head to look at the demon shadow on the sky.

“Mama, this person class kills God is really not a good thing, do not say that the world is destroyed, try to provoke some terrifying Monster.”

Frost White Mountain is horrified.

It has no doubt that the demon bird on the Scorpio wants to kill it. It only takes a trick, not even a trick.


As the demon bird screams and sucks, the whole world’s spiritual qi is turned into a storm surge.

This side of World is filled with the turbulent spiritual qi wave!

This demon bird is like a supreme demon!

“鲲鹏? No, this is not a Peng Peng, this is a enchanting family?”

Qin Yi stared at the demon birds on the Tianzhu Mountain and did not have much fear.

This demon bird seems to be similar to the Peng Peng who traveled all over the world, but Qin Yi has a wing of the Peng Peng and has seen the attitude of a Peng Peng.

It’s not that this demon bird can compare!

Among the Divine Beast races of the heavens, except for Kunpeng Clan, who is very similar to Kunpeng Clan, only the enchanting family is left.


It is rumored that it is a descendant of Kunpeng Clan and the demon family, inheriting the Kunpeng Clan’s engulfing Ability, and the genius fleshy body of the demon family.

Among the Divine Beasts of the heavens is the rare Divine Beast of the biracial Talent.

However, it is precisely because the enchanting family inherited Kunpeng Clan, the Tian Yao family, the two races Talent, but not as good as the Peng Peng and the Tian Yao family.

In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the two races, Kun Peng and Tian Yao, are the most top-level Divine Beast, and they are the same as True Dragon, Divine Monkey, Jinwu, and Tianhuang!

The enchanting family can only be regarded as Divine Beast, and they are temporarily in the middle of the Divine Beast.

It is also juxtaposed with the mixed scorpio, konjac, and cold scorpion.

“That said, this guy is the god of the enchanting generation, the second place in the Dongjiang border emperor’s waiting list, and the one who is only one by one to become a mana!”

Qin Yi whispers, expression is also dignified.

How difficult it is to build a mana, he is the most clear, but compared to the invasion of the gods. Fleshy body The difficulty of breaking the emperor in the extreme.

Although there is no catastrophe in the mana, the cultivation process is the most natural resource.

The first step is to accumulate the momentum from the movement technique to the pole that it can accommodate.

Then, the original source of the road turns into the Supreme Emperor, in order to breakthrough to the extremes of mana!

The cost of natural resources, dozens of times the natural resources of the breakthrough!

However, Qian Yuan is able to cultivate a mana polar environment, which shows the terrifying of this position.

Qin Yi can’t be underestimated!

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