
Aura of 澎湃, raging in World.

A long halberd squeaked in the hands of Qin Yi, and a terrifying Strength circulated in Hollow’s air, and the power of the emperor alone became apparent in the world.


Qin Yi screamed.

Silver light Hey, lingering long halberd, suppressing long halberd in the palm of his hand.

Just like the playthings in Immortal’s hands, no matter how long halberd vibrates, how to break out the power of formidable, can’t break away from Qin Yi’s palm!

Qin Yi coldly smiled: “Is the district emperor to read the gods, but also want to break free of the palm of your hand?

If your true master is here, you are still not afraid, let alone your sacred gods. ”

Along with the words of Qin Yi, silver light succumbed to long halberd, and at the same time, a glimmer of silver, penetrated into long halberd.

It is like a path of god, inscribed on long halberd!

Qin Yi This is the Strength in Hollow’s World, which erases the will of the Holy Ghost and the week left in the long halberd.

Of course, the most important thing is to leave the will left on the long halberd. When the Holy Emperor handed the long halberd to Zhou, he had already erased his will.

There is a rule on the emperor road, the emperor can not enter the emperor road!

Even if it is just a will, it will not work!

“The death lamp is extinguished, this long halberd is used for you!”

Qin Yi has a cold drink.

The next moment, the power of World inscribed on the long halberd the speed of the silver god is getting faster and faster!


Long halberd low grief.

But still can’t change the fate of being suppressed!

After a few breaths, the silver gods will cover the long halberd!

“weng! ”

Long halberd The last tremor, and eventually the whole body turned into silver, and the tremors gradually subsided.

The gorgeous silver gods finally turned into a long dark horse on the long halberd.

True Dragon is awesome!


Qin Yi took a long halberd wave.


A silver flash passed through, and Hollow cracked a deep crack in the air.

Frost White Mountain was even scared by a shivered.

Great ancestor, why is this person devil capable of suppressing the gods?

This allows Benedict to escape the devil’s palm of this person class?


Although, Benedict seems to have been unable to escape?

“it is good!”

Qin Yi feels the strength of long halberd, and his heart is ecstatic.

Even if this is only the god of the emperor, the gods of the emperor, the power can not be compared with the 10% of the real emperor, but it ultimately has the essence of the emperor!

It is not comparable to the general quasi-emperor, even the most peak of the emperor can not be compared with it!

A glimpse of it, it is the peak of the emperor, and it must be cut off.

The essence of this long halberd is too high, and it is formed by the emperor’s meditation. In essence, it is higher than the quasi-emperor. Naturally, it is not the quasi-emperor to resist.

“Unfortunately, this is not a sword. If you are a generation of swords and you will use the swords of the Vientiane, the power of this god may be greatly reduced.”

Qin Yi is sorry.

He practiced the Emperor Great Dao, and he also repaired.

Also good at boxing, Sword Technique, but it is ignorant of the law!

And if you use the long halberd to display Sword Technique, not to mention its own inconsistency, even the power of the Vientiane sword can not be fully revealed.

“If the Emperor Dragon Sword is in hand, you won’t fall into this kind of thing.”

Qin Yi sighs.

Emperor Dragon Sword is the heart of the deity, but can not be left outside.

In addition, it stays in Bulo Dynasty, nourishes the dragon qi up and down, and moves toward the emperor, and Qin Yi can’t bring it.

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