
Huang Huang’s qi and blood suddenly screamed from Qin Yi and swayed straight.

The whole piece of Scorpio has been immersed in a golden scent!

One wearing a nine-piece emperor robe, twelve rows of glass enamel quietly falling, if a supreme Emperor of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, looming in the blood!

“weng! ”

A touch of silver light, rising from the hand.

Among the faint gods, one side carries the sun, the moon, the stars, the world of the mountains and rivers, and flows through the silver light, bursting with endless brilliance!


The next moment, Qin Yi is a punch.

Boxing out on life and death!

This boxing is overwhelming!


A little collision, directly put the star river and the knife, shattered!

“This is impossible. This is the first time I have been working on the emperor. How could it be broken by a punch!”

Weeks are arrogant, and the eyes are full of shock and incredible.

Taikoo’s control of the soldiers is to pay attention to the truth. If the self-constructed Shenbing hammer is forged longer, the Strength contained in it will become more terrifying.

This star-shaped river knives is the emperor of Zhou’s first spirit, and the power of this scorpion is closest to the emperor!

A slashing down, it is not the general emperor can shake, but was broken by Qin Yi punch?

Qin Yi clearly has no breakthrough fleshy body!

“Come back!”

Zhou screamed.

In the world behind him, one piece of the gods burst into a radiance, and the power of formidable broke out instantly.

Zhou Di directly drove all the gods and soldiers down, Nine Heavens, the holy scorpion gun, the four elephants of the sky… a piece of the Emperor of the Emperor, directly to Qin Yi.

In an instant, there are dozens, hundreds of pieces, and the last is also the Linyi Shenbing of the quasi-emperor warrior, moved towards Qin Yi.


Qin Yi is not afraid, driving a huge fist strength, and welcoming the air.

Behind the Emperor Hollow Shadow, it is also a punch!




A series of huge explosions sounded one after another.

Each explosion represents a soldier, which was blasted by Qin Yi, turned into a streaming light, and dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

Even the copy of a piece of emperor, did not resist Qin Yi more than three breaths, was the strength of Qin Yi’s fatigue, to blow up the students!

Nine parties Hollow illusionary Xiao Qian World, cast into a Hollow illusion World, this is how terrifying Strength!

Qin Yi used this Strength to motivate Tyrant Fist to make this strong punch.

What are these Hollow fake devices that can withstand?

If it is a real emperor, it is almost the same!


Then, it was another sound of flesh and blood collision.

Zhou left the whole person, even with the world behind him, many soldiers of the gods, and Qin Yi punched almost volley!


Countless gods, squandering!


Zhou was miserable, madly pulled to retreat, his half body has been gasified by Qin Yi’s fatigue strength, annihilated into Hollow.

The abdomen directly broke through a large hole, and the terrifying fatigue strength is constantly destroying his fleshy body.

For a time, he couldn’t be born again!

His whole person has a splitting headache, and the soul is almost blasted. A squad of gods is smashed, and under the backlash, he is unhappy.

“I still want to escape?”

Qin Yi brow raised, his body shape.

When it reappears, it has already appeared on the top of the week, with one foot on the air, and will leave Hollow empty.


Qin Yi stepped on the head from the week.

One foot will step on the dust of this aloof and remote god!

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