
On the blue-brown emperor’s road, a silhouette is galloping.

In the blink of an eye, I came to Qin Yi.

This is a young man in a white robe.

The man is handsome and handsome, and the long hair of a golden star hangs down his waist, glittering with a golden glow!

Aura is not covered in the slightest, it is incomparably vast, and it is a quasi-emperor!

The man’s face has a warm smile, but its eyes are endless indifference, looked towards Qin Yi’s gaze, like looked towards an ant.

It is like a gods of aloof and remote!

“The ants, the encounter with this Son of God is your greatest misfortune, kneel down to death!”

Man expression is indifferent, cold start to talk.

He knows that the testers who can enter the 6th Layer World after the road are infinitely informable, and even he is aware of the identity of this person in front of him.

The Crown Prince of the early Imperial Dynasty, who became a quasi-emperor, but what about it?

Those who have not yet become a polar person can’t enter his eyes!

“The Emperor of the Emperor?”

Qin Yi pupil light.

This blond man is the Supreme Talent Record of Emperor Lu, which is the second in the list of the Emperor’s Quasi-Emperor.

A god who is a god of the soul!

“It’s the Son of God, hurry down and ask for death, 蝼 ants!”

Zhou Yi overlooks Qin Yi, a pair of purple scent exudes a strange rays of light.

His words did not put Qin Yi in the eyes, the voice ice-cold, the eyes filled with the stun of Qin Yi.

A guy who has not yet become a sect of the emperor, even if it is the scorpion of an emperor, he must not look at him!


Hearing the utter scorn of the week, Qin Yi expression was slightly cold.

This person is really impudent!

Repeatedly, again and again, the humiliation, I really thought that it was fixed?

“The ants are the ants! Don’t you think that as the emperor’s nephew, will this son of God look at you with a high look?”

In the emperor’s road, even if your identity is higher, but in my eyes, you and the ant ant, there is no difference, this god can easily shoot! ”

Zhou is indifferent.

The anger of Qin Yi only makes him feel particularly ridiculous.

The ants are angry again and cannot change the fact that they are ants.

What is the wrath of the ants?


As I said, there were suddenly a lot of black fog rising up on both sides of the emperor road, as if it were a vast endless meditation.

From this side of the earth, a head up to the hundred zhang, the whole body covered the green python, the pair of eyes shine cold glow, open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, moving towards the circumference is the bite away.


A head of the earth is green, and countless Fangs are cold.

In an instant, there are hundreds of heads in the world.

“Annoying ants!”

Weekly from coldly snorted.

Then, the week away from the pair of eyes, a terrifying purple streamer, violently spurt out, the speed is almost unimaginable, instantly tearing the Space, rushing to the front of the green earth.


A burst of sound, I saw that hundreds of heads of green earth, on the spot was shrouded by this purple stream, blink of an eye was smashed into the sky of blood rain!

One blow, annihilate hundreds of heads!

Every sacred earth has a cultivation base of peak sacred, which is not a formidable.

“weng! ”

The purple light flew back, quietly suspended by the side of the week.

Guanghua disperses, revealing the true face of it, but a purple knife condensed by a path of purple.

The ups and downs of Strength, Qin Yi are extremely familiar, it is the power of the soul!

This knives is the weapon that has been condensed from the soul of the spirit, and it has killed hundreds of sacred earth!

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