“If you want to make trouble, then roll it!

I don’t have time to take care of you, don’t force me to shoot at you! ”

Chu Baiyu, a pair of sleeves, is ready to leave.

“If I said that the person is not an ancient saint, it is a liar that’s all, don’t you think you can’t deal with this person?”

Chu Yao started to talk again.

This sentence, let Chu Bai Yu and Fu Xiao both, expression shocked.

“Impossible, if it wasn’t for the ancient Son, why did the Master be so kind to him… treat him with courtesy?”

Chu Bai Yu believes not to believe.

If it wasn’t for the ancient Son, why would the silver hair brat be treated seriously by his Master, so that his Master is also a Sage, and it is not possible to dim-sighted from old age!

“Maybe, that brat is also a great son who has made a good relationship with the Sun Pavilion Lord, but I am sure that this brat is not a son of Tong Xuan Gu Sheng.

Because, the Young Master of Tong Xuan Gu Sheng, is in the City Lord Mansion! ”

Chu Yao smiled.


As soon as this was said, Chu Baiyu was immediately shocked.

‘The man is not an ancient saint. This pretty boy dares to fake the ancient saint. This is a big sin. Isn’t he afraid that the ancient saint knows that he is mad at the palm of his hand? ‘

This is the thought that Fu Xiao’s mind flashed.

‘The man is not the son of Tong Xuan ancient holy? Moreover, the Young Master of the Tong Xuan ancient holy house actually arrived at the City Lord Mansion. Is it an assistant invited by the City Lord? ‘

This is the thought that Chu Baiyu flashed in his mind.

In the end, it is the Eldest Senior Brother of the Mountain Pavilion. It is natural to understand that if Qin Yi is an ancient saint, it is actually extremely beneficial to the mountain cabinet and even enough to solve the predicament faced by the mountain cabinet.

But Qin Yi is not the ancient Son, and the real ancient Son is in the City Lord Mansion, which is extremely unfavorable to the Mountain Pavilion!

“You said that if the white Young Master heard the news, would he shoot him?”

Chu Yao haze’s said with a smile.

The Young Master of the Tong Xuan ancient holy house is also white, so everyone did not doubt the identity of Qin Yi at the beginning.

“White Young Master is bound to be furious, will kill this person, and even ruin my mountain cabinet!”

Chu Baiyu vomits and vomits, and his face is gloomy.

At this moment, he was so angry that he even turned to enter the mountain cabinet, swearing the Master, and took the man down to the White Young Master to plead guilty.

There is still room for manoeuvre in such a thing.

Otherwise, the mountain cabinet is in danger!

“The cousin is not in a hurry. Do you know what the younger brother is coming to?”

Chu Yao is not ill.

“My trip is to invite the cousin to return to Chu Family, together with his ancestors, to rule the Chu Family, and even the entire Tianshui City!”

Chu Yao faintly smiled, dragging his own purpose out.


The side of Fu Xiao heard cold and sweat, which has already involved the upper level of the game.

It is not something that he can participate in this little shrimp!

Of course, from his point of view, Eldest Senior Brother’s best choice is to agree with Chu Yao.

“You don’t have to think about rejecting the cousin. My ancestors asked me to bring you words. If you can take the mountain cabinet into the control of Chu Family and City Lord Mansion, the future mountain cabinet will be in control, and the ancestors will support it. Your breakthrough throughput!

Even if you put Chu Family under your control! ”

Chu Yao smiled and threw the price code from his ancestors.


This time, Fu Xiao was dumbfounded.

The price offered by Chu Family’s ancestors is really amazing. The mountain cabinet does not say that even the Chu Family should be handed over to Eldest Senior Brother. If it is not Eldest Senior Brother, if it is promised, it will be able to control the two major cities in Tianshui City in the future. The top influence, on the status even higher than the City Lord of Tianshui City, became the nominal co-owner!

Tianshui is the master!

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