A Tianyu, Shenhai, there are no more than a million power.

The number of the great powers of the whole emperor’s world is much better than that of the early imperial courts!

Of course, this is not to say that the saints are powerful, and there is no place in the many heavens of the emperor.

In the 缥缈天域, although under the power, even half-step power is not a big deal, but if it can break through the powerful realm, it can be considered as a lord of a city, and it will be countless people.

If it can break through the ancient holy realm, it is even more true.

If you can rely on the Emperor, the ancient saint will be immediately the owner of an island, and certainly not a large island like Sky Island.

As long as the prospective Emperor Overlord is on the scene, he will be sealed by the Emperor of the Emperor, such as the Yunyan God will dominate the large island.

Once a martial art can produce a quasi-emperor, the martial art can immediately fly to the sky, flying to the branches to become Phoenix, and commanding an island.

Wei Ling Shenhai, overlooking the ages!

All in all, a great power is also a big man on Spirit Island.

“Mu Xue Senior Sister has stepped into the Sage realm, only half a step can breakthrough into Sage, becoming the first Supreme talent of the world’s first breakthrough Sage!

Some unscrupulous guys, toad lusting after a swan’s flesh ! ”

Fu Xiao on the side, taunting yin and yang.

“Pay Junior Brother!”

Mu Xuexianzi Liumei light wrinkles.

In her eyes, Qin Yi is likely to be a Sage power, Fu Xiao is so ridiculous, is not provoking this power?

As a Senior Sister, she naturally wants to stop paying.


Fu Xiao was angry.

Senior Sister won’t really believe the words of this pretty boy, saying that he accidentally fell into the Space Storm and didn’t want to come to Spirit Sky Island?

Not to mention how terrifying the Space Storm is, the general powers may not be able to withstand it.

This person does not seem to be old, where can the cultivation base be high?

According to him, this person is most like the Senior Sister, the realm in the half-step Sage, how could it be a Sage environment?

A great power, he was so provocative, will not teach him to teach him?

In other words, the Sister Sister is so naive, I will believe the sweet boy!

“Brother Bai, my Junior Brother is unobstructed. If you say something, don’t worry about it.”

Mu Xuexian apologized to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi beheaded, not allowed.

With his temper, it is not so easy to keep up with this little guy, hey, ant.

This time, even if he gave Mu Xuexian face, don’t care about it.

“many thanks Brother Bai understands.”

Mu Xue fairy show Yan Yixiao, Bai Meisheng Jiao, like a blooming flower.

In this scene, I was so angry that I couldn’t jump in my heart.

However, in order not to let his own Senior Sister, and then to Qin Yi to laugh, can only secretly under the pressure of the heart of the fire.

‘brat You wait, stay back to the mountain cabinet, I will definitely show Eldest Senior Brother and let Eldest Senior Brother pack you! ‘

Fu Xiao secretly swears.

In the anger of Fu Xiao, the entire group was not ill, and the cultivation base of the people, the distance of five thousand miles, flew away and came to an ancient city like a bronze pouring.

The ancient city is vast and vast, covering a very wide area, covering a thousand miles of territory, enough to accommodate millions of creatures and survive in it.

The city wall is ten thousand zhang high, cast in an unknown bronze-colored material, imposing manner, a path of the gods, engraved on it, glittering the glimmer of Yingying, building a behemoth Great formation, shrouded the city.

The plaque on the city wall, three letters on the book.

The pen goes dragon-snake.


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