Step into the world.

‘帝路’ World.

The most famous forbidden area in the eastern border is known as the entire eastern boundary.

The general creatures do not know the emperor’s world, why it is called one of the top ten forbidden areas in the eastern boundary.

However, most of the Supreme talents in Dongjiang, which are inherited, understand why the Emperor’s Circle will be hailed as a forbidden place.

The law locks the world!

Not to mention those pseudo-Emperors in the world of emperors, just a few great formations outside the emperor’s world, it is enough to make people shocked!

“Is this artificial, or is it the Great Dao of the days?”

Qin Yi stares at the Level 1 layer of the outside of the emperor, and the various colors of Xiaguang flow outside the emperor.

Run the mana in the eye, you can see a path of sporadic rule fragments in the glow!

This Level 1 layer is a great formation that consists of a myriad of rule fragments!

“If it is artificial, you want to set up so many formidable great formations, then set the existence of the formation law here, and its cultivation base may reach an unimaginable realm!”

Qin Yi eyes.

“Emperor peak? Or Hollow Xiantian Zun?”

Qin Yi whispers, the pupil light of the eye is constantly flashing.

If it is a squad outside the emperor, it is a formidable existence.

So where is this existence now?

Have you left the borders of East China, or are you still in the borders of East China?

“Perhaps, this is the great formation set up by Great Dao?”

For a long while, Qin Yi shook head is laughing.

Regardless of the existence of the Emperor’s peak, or Hollow Xiantianzun, how can such a high existence lay a great formation in the emperor’s world?

In the view of many souls in the eastern borders, in the world of emperor, that is, in the ‘Emperor Road’, the so-called secret of the emperor is the treasure of their full power competition.

And in the eyes of peak Supreme, Hollow Xiantianzun, what does this count?

Even if these exist, I have seen the secret of this emperor, and it is advisable to explore it. Will it cost so many means to become a secret to the emperor?

Perhaps, he thought more.

Qin Yi is silent.

“No matter how many times you look at it, this party is so vast, it is the sun and the moon, the place where Great Dao is.”

Only in such a world can we create a chance to be a secret to the emperor! ”

At this time, the river Prime Minister suddenly walked to Qin Yi and looked at the emperor.

Even if he came to this place more than once, he was still full of awe in this world of the world.

Level 1 layer great formation outside the emperor, free to take one, you can kill him!

“Jiang Prime Minister, what is it?”

Qin Yi smiled and arched the Yangtze Minister.

Along the way, he has been retreating in the room, and the Jiang Prime Minister has never had an intersection with him.

“His Royal Crown, the old minister has a saying that I don’t know what to say?”

The voice of Jiang Prime Minister, with a little hoarse.

“Jiang Prime Minister, but it does not matter.”

Qin Yi beheaded.

“The battle for the emperor’s secret is extremely dangerous. I also hope that His Royal Highness Crown Prince can do his best.

But if things are not possible, please also ask your Highness to preserve yourself. ”

Jiang Prime Minister has a touch of solemnity on his face.

“This is what you mean.”

Immediately, Jiang Prime Minister added.


Qin Yi brow raised, it seems a bit strange.

That was the great emperor, but it meant something.

Obviously, the great emperor also knew the crisis of competing for the emperor’s secret. He did not mention this to Qin Yi in the first half of the year. Instead, he approached the emperor before the emperor, and specially let the Prime Minister come to marry him. No, it should be said. It was a Crown Prince at the beginning.

“Got it.”

Qin Yi nodded, did not mind.

“His Royal Crown, everything is careful!”

Jiang Prime Minister sighed, he had already brought it, Crown Prince can listen to a few points, it has nothing to do with him.

After all, Jiang Prime Minister has already left.

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