Emperor Road.

As the world that contains the secret of the emperor.

Has always attracted the East Frontier, the eyes of countless supreme talent.

The emperor road will open, not only the Great World at the beginning, but also the supreme talent of many great families and Great World in the eastern borders.

A self-styled previous generation of supreme talent, opened a pair of eyes of Nine Heavens, gradually awakened from sleep.

One dollar Great World.

Among the singular emperors, there is an ancient Small World in which a hill stands alone.

On the hill, there is a low huts.


The door of the hut was pushed open, and a sly old man trembled and walked out of the hut.


Old man sighs and sighs. When it comes out, this side of Small World seems to be stagnant. The sun, the moon, the spiral qi in Small World have stopped running for a moment, as if time has condensed.

The banned time and space, the rule is the 邋遢old man.

If someone can feel this Strength, it will certainly be awesome!

Seal the time and space!

This 邋遢old man is in control of the time and space of this world, what a terrifying strength.

Innate Martial Artist, taking control of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, can go the air.

Entering the Dao Great Grandmaster one thought Heaven and Earth, it can ignite the changing world of thousands of worlds.

The sage’s power can command the law, and it can be said that the sun and the moon can be moved.

However, if you want to stagnate one World, even if it is only one side, you must at least have a cultivation base.

And if you want to stop the time and space of this World, you must be shot by the Emperor!

Or, the emperor who comprehend the rules of time to shoot!

Either way, it is enough to show this 邋遢old man’s formidable!

“I took the time secret technique struggling on the skill at the death’s door, tens of millions of years to show people with an old attitude, now, no longer need to be trapped in this old remnant.

The emperor road will open, and my one-yuan emperor should also move! ”

邋遢old man muttered in a very old voice, a pair of muddy’s eyes, suddenly bursting out of the rays of light.

The rays of light are getting hotter and hotter, from the bottom of the eye to the wrapping of themselves, and a long sound of Hollow in the water seems to be manifested in the old man behind.

In the wandering of the Yangtze River, the shape of the 邋遢old man 渐 gradually straightened up, full of ** face, and a wrinkle was gradually smoothed.

He is going back to youth and returning to peak!

The river flows, and the years go by!


Even with its body, there is a faint wave of volatility that will sweep out!

After just a few breaths, the 邋遢old man has been re-established as a heroic young man, footed in the mountains, and the town is Hollow empty!

“Emperor Road, come here…”

“Supreme talents in the eastern borders, are you ready?”

“The secret of becoming a emperor is not a blame!”

As soon as the figure was gone, the youth had disappeared in the same place, leaving only a faint voice that dissipated with the wind.


“Swallow, I want to swallow!”

“The emperor road will open, and countless ‘foods’ have to go to the so-called emperor road, I am going to plunder their floshy body, blood essence, bloodline, delicious ‘food’, I am coming!”


In a bloody World, a mad voice sounded.


In chaos.

An azure’s rays of light, unscrupulous through the chaos, in a blink of an eye across tens of thousands of chaotic roads.

In the rays of light, a young Taoist in a Tsing Yi, stepping on the moon, and acting as a free-spirited person, is like a god-like god.

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