Heavenly Dao origin, how precious.

The average Emperor can’t see it either.

It’s not difficult to kill Heavenly Dao, but it’s not a simple matter to get rid of the Great Dao’s demise, unless Hollow Xiantian Zun’s shot!

Of course, there are exceptions.

“This refining soul demon stone is not the same. Aura, which is stained with nine abyss and infinity, is probably the one that is engulfed by the nine abyss, and its origin is in the hands of the refining demon. “”

Qin Yi has a deep gaze, and the fingertips are drawn across the surface of the refining demon stone. The gods wrap the fingertips, and the aura of the refining soul stone can’t be corroded.

“Nine secluded abyss, endless meditation is the most filthy and evil area of ​​All Heavens and Myriad Realms. There are countless terrifying races, such as the Ashura family who can be compared with the True Dragon family, the 堕鸾 family who can compete with the Phoenix family, etc. Wait.

The nine abyss, has been sneaked into All Heavens and Myriad Realms, in an attempt to pull the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms into the abyss.

I want to come, this refining demon stone is a thousand worlds destroyed by the nine abyss, its residual origin. ”

Qin Yi silently speculated.

The nine abyss, the endless earth, is also known as the World of the Dead.

Most souls will not be ruined as long as they are not destroyed. After death, they will be born again in the abyss.

Qin Yi once used the system’s seven-star divine ability, the Nether Ghost Force concise method, spy on the nine abyss, and even forced the soul of Huo Qubing and the others from the nine abyss.

To this end, he also alerted the guardians of the nine abyss.

“This refining soul demon stone, because it is contaminated with the aura of aura, will fall into the hands of the refining enchantress.”

Qin Yi sighed.

In the past few years, the most powerful powerhouse was just a quasi-powerhouse, and how to see through the cover that the refining emperor could not see through.

Therefore, for so many years, this refining demon stone has been in the hands of the refining magic, as a kind of treasure that can store Strength in large quantities.

The sect master of the refining souls of the past sect masters only thinks that the refining soul demon stone contains the aura of aura, plundering the soul of the soul, and the blood essence is poured into it, and it can be contaminated with the aura, and the essence can have a good promotion.

Where do they know what this is the effect of Nether Aura, clearly the strength of Heavenly Dao’s origin!

Nether aura is stronger, away from the abyss of the nine abyss, but also the water without water, how to continuously improve the spirit of the sect master perfusion of Strength?

There is only one source of Heavenly Dao, and there is such a strength of formidable.

“With so many years of consumption, the Heavenly Dao source in this refining soul stone consumes at least half!”

Qin Yi’s face is almost green.

Heavenly Dao origin, such a precious thing, even if he is not seen.

His Heavenly Dao avatar background is shallow, and the original Heavenly Dao uses the source, condenses the incarnation, and fights with him!

Even if he is, it is not good to use the source of Heavenly Dao.

The source of Heavenly Dao, such as the refining demon stone, is rare and precious. For example, the usage of the refining sorcerer is simply a violent thing!

Qin Yi can’t wait to do it now, just drag the sect master of the refining sorcerer’s sect to stop it, to get rid of it!

“Now I recognize this thing, but this aura is also a tricky thing for me.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yi could not help but laugh.

Nether aura not only hides the aura of Heavenly Dao’s origin, but also makes Qin Yi helpless with this refining soul stone.

The power of the Nether in the Abyssal Abyss is higher than the Heavenly Dao source at the Strength level.

Even if it is only a little contaminated with aura, it is also a disease of sorrow, filthy the whole source of Heavenly Dao!

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