“This refining demon stone is really terrifying, and this Nether Strength is like the aura of the deepest abyss of the nine abyss. It is amazing.”

“Strength of this refining demon stone, the Great World can not find a few weapons that can be compared with it. In addition to the Emperor’s ‘Taishabao’, it seems to be the “King of the Gods” and the Imperial Capital of the Tiange Pavilion. Mo Family’s ‘Wan Xin Yi’ is comparable to a few pieces.”

“How can it be weak when it takes 50 million years to build this weapon?”

Many powerhouses sigh.

However, everyone looked at at at, but suddenly found out that it was wrong.

It stands to reason that the sect master of the Refining Spirit has an absolute advantage, overwhelming the Crown Prince in one fell swoop, and suppressing the Crown Prince.

However, from the situation in the World of War, this is not the case.

The sect master of the refining sorcerer not only did not keep their hands, but was smashing toward the Crown Prince with the strength of the refining stone!

This is to take the life of Crown Prince!

“Damn, the old ghost dare!”

“Is the old-age ghost crazy, does he want to die?”

“Want to win the Crown Prince’s divine ability, want to murdering to seize the treasures?”

The powerhouse was furious and angered.

If the Crown Prince is tragically dead, the divine skill secret technique on the body is plundered by the sect master, and all the powerhouses in the room are subject to the punishment of the Emperor!

This is not a trivial matter. The emperor of the early imperial court has never been degraded. Even the fourth Disciple and the thirteenth emperor, Crown Prince competed so fiercely, and did not hurt the life of the opposite side.

What’s more, if the Crown Prince fell in front of many emperor powerhouses, this incident was enough to alarm the entire imperial court, causing the emperor to anger and lower his anger.

Most importantly, His Royal Highness Crown Prince has shown the latent talent of the emperor. Even if the Emperor is not aware of it, it does not mean that they can forget this. If the Emperor is known, they will sit down and watch the Crown Prince’s decree in the Refining Demon. Sect master hands, not to mention their lives, delamination can not escape!

“Get out, stop this, you must not let this person hurt Crown Prince!”

“Speed ​​shot!”

“Do not keep your hands, and those who stay in the Imperial City rush to Qingyu Building!”

Many powerhouses could no longer sit still, and a respectful powerhouse quickly rushed to Qingyulou.

Magic World.

“shua shua shua !”

I saw the terrifying of the Nether Strong, in the air of Hollow, swallowing everything that can be seen in front of me, from the aura of the nine secluded, shaking this huge chaos, and eroding countless Worlds together.


A group of powerhouses saw that the souls of the dead were all coming, and the speed that came was even faster.


The snorkelling sound of the sect master is like a night whisper, and the scarlet scorpion is filled with deep blood light.

He is very aware of the Strength of the Refining Stone, this mysterious stone from which I don’t know, contains a terrifying Spirit, the first to be refining the sect master suspected that it may come from the terrifying abyss.

It has been cultivated by the sect masters of the refining souls of the past dynasties. It is cultivated with its own soul, blood essence, and the souls of countless souls. It is constantly cultivated, which contains at least a few tenths of the peak ancient sacred, or comparable. The energy of the four or five emperors is not terrifying!

The strength of the four or five ex-emperors is four or five times worse than the average quasi-emperor, not to mention the strength of the soul in the soul demon stone contaminated with the aura of the nine abyss, in the same amount of energy, The general manpower of the emperor with the body is ten times higher or even hundred times higher!

The gap is like the difference between chaos and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi!

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