“sōu! ”

A magic gun, piercing Hollow empty.

The raging magic flame, the burning of the madness, the burning of the surrounding Space, accompanied by the chaos of the spirit, also burned together.

The sect master of the refining sorcerer holds the long spear, like a nine-devil god, sweeping the sky with a shot.

Surging aura, unscrupulous pervasive!

The billions of demons qi settled and evolved into the powerful world of the demon world, in which countless creatures fell in the hands of the sect master of the refining sorcerer, roaring among them.

A respectful nine-devil god is sorrowful, and the majestic sighs are tumbling, moving towards Qin Yi is another shot.


A sword, dazzling.

The sun, the moon and the stars are engraved on it, and the Supreme True Dragon is lying on the word hilt.

It is even more glaring to the sword light, swaying on the Excalibur, exuding the sun and the moon, and piercing the Aura of Myriad Realms.

Sword light Swallow Heaven and Earth, the gods are heart-warming!


A whole vibration of the Great World at first, shaking the sound of chaos, as if the whole piece of chaos is trembled.

The terrifying collision is hidden in this roar.

The collision between the emperor’s sword light and the magical domain, the collision of Sword Intent and the gun, collided at the intersection of the two!


As soon as the aftermath of the wave escaped from the magical domain, I did not know how many Spaces were shattered.

Many of the gods are shocked. If they come forward, I am afraid that there is no way to block this aftermath.

This kind of Strength has touched the edge of the Emperor, but it is not the Martial Artist of the Seven 8th Layer of the Sage, which can compete against Strength.


The refining sorcerer sect master calls to envelop the surrounding world of everything.

The Excalibur and the magic gun collided with the air, shaking the whole magic domain World, the sword light and the demon qi linger, as if it could break a World at any time.

The fierce collision between the two, bursting up, I don’t know how much Space!

The gods are watching, only to see the aftermath of the escape, but the gods of many powerhouses can use the secret technique to observe the big battle.

“Crown Prince, can you at the same time suppress the devil head and the swordless old ghost?”

“Good foundation, good terrifying mind!”

“Semi-Emperor, this is the half-emper of the refining star!”

The great emperor is hopeful!

This has reached the strength of the top three of the imperial candidate list, terrifying, is Crown Prince getting the inheritance of an ancient and powerful emperor? ”

Many powerhouses sigh.

Crown Prince’s cards were one by one, which surprised them. All of them lived for at least 200 million years and had to marvel at Crown Prince’s strength.

This strength is already comparable to some of the old antiques that survived 30~40 million years!

Magic World.

“Hey! Crown Prince didn’t expect your thoughts to be soformable, almost to the point of condensing the emperor.”

The gods who are condensed by the gods can compete with the nine secluded magic guns.

It’s a pity that you don’t want to hand over the secret technique that condenses the gods. I only kill you, ancestors, and look at Dongjiang! ”

The sect master of the refining soul sect masters the sound transmission, and is not worried that it will be perceived by the gods of other powerhouses.


In response to the refining demon sect master, there was only one screaming sword, and the sword trembled, gradually suppressing the magic gun.

Sword light 璀璨, annihilate countless d demon qi, gather the vast demon qi in it, and smash it.

Qin Yi Shen Nian condensed the Emperor’s Excalibur, Guanghua hunting, exuding an invisible pressure, and the World of Devils gradually collapsed.

“Crown Prince, do you think I have only this means?”

The sect master of the refining soul is not very concerned, and laughs.

Immediately, his left hand turned over and an a slap-sized stone appeared in his hand.

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