Qin Yi.

Raise your hand, Hollow is empty, and the brilliance of the brilliance flows at your fingertips.


Guanghua Wanzhang!

“weng! ”

The golden glory of Huang Huang, such as the Great Day, swaying hundreds of millions of miles of chaos, shining chaos, tyrannical to terrifying Strength, in which it was born.

Densely packed the way, as if in Jinhui China, if it is looming, the strong aura rumors no single li, the pressure of the heavens!

“what is this?”

A group of gods seemed to be stunned at once.

From this golden glow of the big day, they can feel the heart of Strength.

If you have to describe it, then this Strength will burst out and even erase them all!


There was a huge roar in the golden day, and there was a glimmer of halo on it, forcibly blocking the demon qi and Sword Intent of the sect master.

The two members of the Quasi-Emperor’s Strength can’t go any further!

In the halo, the rhyme flows, and if there is a vast river of time, the stars are full of stars, and the Tianhe River is silent.

In a moment, it seems that I have passed the tens of millions of years!

What can be done for tens of millions of years, the sea is not there, the mulberry field can be covered, even if it is a World that has experienced thousands of years, it is a world of change.

“Strength of Time, or Strength of Great Dao?”

Qin Yi is aware of the changes and is amazed.

He used to spread the scattering beans to make soldiers in the feathering realm, which condensed the gods of hundreds of feathered realm.

Since then, he has never used this divine ability yet.

This is the second time he used this divine ability, and the changes were somewhat beyond his expectations, from which he realized the Strength of time.

Three thousand Great Dao, each of the Great Dao has a formidable Strength, which is the innumerable cultivation of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. After entering the realm, the main practice is the Strength.

Among them, Destiny, Strength, Space, Time and other Great Dao are at the forefront, and Emperor Great Dao is the most special!

Time Great Dao is also ranked in the 3,000 Great Dao, second only to the fate of Great Dao, alongside the Strength and Space Great Dao.

It is one of the best of the three thousand Great Dao!

“Scattering beans to make soldiers, actually involved in the time of Great Dao’s Strength?”

Qin Yi thought, immediately.

The so-called Hollow emptiness casting is invincible. In fact, it is a foundation with a little spiritual source. In thousands of years, there are countless gods.

Tens of years of time, the years are replaced, naturally able to condense a respectable formidable god.

“hōng lòng Long!”

In the golden halo, the infinite Strength, the vast spiritual qi, gathers under the invisible traction.

The surrounding chaos is like a huge spiral qi vortex, infused with endless spiritual qi!

The law is shaking, if there are gods God and Demon singing!

The 巍巍天宫 emerges in the golden halo, the jade-carved building, the dragon-phoenix between the golden dragon and the silver eagle dances, as the ancient heaven reappears.

Golden light Wandao spray purple fog, Ruiqi thousand Yao Yaoyu!


At this time, in front of the Temple of Heaven, a path of silhouette gradually formed, and each of them was tall and tall, and the golden armor was cast.

Ancient Excalibur, the distant aura, this is the Heavenly Heaven of Heaven in Ancient Heaven!

Each golden armor will, aura is comparable to the ancient holy giant.

But the key is that there are hundreds of people in this golden armor!

Do not!


Divine ability scattering beans to make soldiers , one thought, wave can be thousands of troops!

Six-star divine ability scattering beans to make soldiers, power can reproduce!

Can condense thousands of gods will!

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