
Hundreds of gods fell Hollow empty, aura decayed, bruised and bruised, and the bones did not know how many roots, the scarlet blood spilled chaos.

Even, some cultivation base weaker gods, almost the whole person was blasted!

Just one step, defeat the Son of God!

Many emperors who were just invincible were swept in an instant.

This is how vast the terrifying Strength, Weilian!

If you say that before, everyone still has the confidence to say that many of the gods are just contemptuous, and they will not be able to be overwhelmed by Crown Prince.

So now, how can they not say this sentence?

“No, how is this possible, how could it be so strong!”

Many of the gods are all looking at the fear of at Qin Yi, all heartfelt.

At that moment, they all had the feeling that they would be killed on the spot, just like facing an invincible emperor, so powerless.

If the gap between the heavens is separated, it breaks all their fantasies.

Hundreds of gods join hands, can rival Crown Prince?

This is a joke!

The gods and proud and arrogant can also see that the gap between them and Crown Prince has reached an unimaginable level.

If it weren’t for Crown Prince to stay, they would have fallen by at least half.

“No, no, ah, how could it be soformable.

Even if the Crown Prince Loop is too early, the 8th Layer shouldn’t be so strong. This is a full-fledged god! ”

The rain-fighting building pointed out that Jiangshan, asserting that the Crown Prince lost the old man, his face was incredible, and he was shocked.

The power of the emperor’s emperor, as the old man of the early Tai dynasty, he has not seen it.

Many of the princes of the early imperial courts also practiced the emperor’s emperor, and many of them existed in the 8th Layer of the emperor’s emperor, but they were not asformable.

Not only the powerhouse of Qingyu Building, but even Xia Xuanlong dumbfounded.

“Crown Prince is good forformable!”

“Crown Prince is invincible!”

“Sweeping invincible, Crown Prince’s Strength is too strong!”

Xia Xuanlong was stunned and excited.

The two of them were originally prepared to die, and they did not expect such a terrible reversal.

A sweep of the sweep, invincible.

In the eyes of the two, Qin Yi, who is bathed in the glory of the whole body, is like a god, standing proudly in chaos.


A large mouth of the blood spurted out from the mouth of the fourth emperor, the face was gloomy, unwilling to look at Qin Yi, and the Flame of the eye was burning.

He is not sweet!

Obviously, he has an absolute advantage, carrying the power of a hundred gods, not only can his big brother be cleared out, and even 13 can be cleared out.

With the help of this supreme talent feast, you can smooth all the obstacles before he boarded the emperor!

However, at the foot of Qin Yi, all of them are Shatter!

“Summer insects can say ice?”

Qin Yi pair of eyes is as deep as a god, indifferent to the fourth emperor.

What is the difference between the invincible trend in your eyes and the play in your eyes?

A force to break it!

In the face of the unstoppable Strength, all the calculations are just jokes, can you hurt his cold hair?

The ants are stealing, you are knowing yourself, and you have a humble and awe-inspiring mind to survive at the feet of people!

If the fourth emperor and the others do not come to provoke him, he may not be able to shoot them.

The distinction between the eyes.

In the eyes of the fourth emperor, the position of the emperor in the early days was heavy.

However, in the eyes of Qin Yi, it is not worth mentioning. How can a so-called emperor position compare with the entire Taishi Emperor?

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