
The mighty power has wiped out countless time and space!

Then, it was a punch, the gorgeous light turned into a shocking rainbow, moved towards Qin Yi spurt away.

A lot of gods are also shots.


that moment.

Hundreds of gods, together.

The terrifying wave swayed the chaos and the great vibration.

In the end, it is a hundred gods, each one is cultivated by the major influences, and has experienced countless killings of supreme talent.

Full power shot, this piece of chaos is boiling!

It is like a huge meteorite, falling into a calm lake, picking up huge waves, and breaking the chaotic airflow around it into Hollow!

There are hundreds of different kinds of visions roaring and moving. The nine secluded demon gods dominated the magic field and hit the earth in one fell swoop. The vast Sword Intent is like a galaxy, when it is empty!

This Strength is completely comparable to the general power of the general emperor, and even better than the other.

The vision is shocking, the Son of God is unparalleled!

This terrifying offensive, let the powerhouse of the Qingrain Building, can not help but change color, quickly pulled back and avoid the edge.

“it’s over!”

The powerhouse shook head, has begun to calculate, after the end of this war, how to find these supreme talent, to make up some losses.

In front of this Strength, even if the Crown Prince was a quasi-emperor, he would be seriously injured. At that time, he was not allowed to dispose of the fourth emperor.

Even if the fourth emperor is guilty, it is not difficult to ruin the foundation of Crown Prince!

“It’s over!”

Xia Xuanlong looked white, and looked at the vast offensive in front of him.

The strength of the gods and the gods is too terrifying, not the strength they can resist.

Crown Prince may survive, but he and Zhang Shan only have to die.

“Oh! Your Highness, you can die for you. I am also repaying the grace of His Royal Highness. I hope that my Highness will sue for my elders in the future.”

Said Zhang Shan, lived up to their cultivation! ”

Zhang Shan roared, not seeing fear, and looked like a generous death to death.

Dead in the hands of a hundred gods, is worth it!

But the next moment.

Qin Yi smiled: “You both want to die, this Crown Prince can disagree.”

Said, in the face of such a formidable offensive, Qin Yi pupil light shines, an invisible Strength, wrapped in him and Xia Xuanlong, in the twinkling of an instant seems to move to distant time and space.

But it seems to stand in the same place, with many gods separated by the distant stars of the river!

“weng! ”

Immediately, reaching for a stroke, like breaking the time and space of the ages.

Put them and the offensive that can smash everything, and stop it in front of the place, then disappear, or say, fall into another World!

Hand empty, divide World!

“How can it be?”

Many gods have a big pair of eyes, and they can’t believe it.

The fourth emperor is more suddenly discolored and cannot be calm.


Even the 13th Emperor, who has been calm and calm, sitting on the Diaoyutai, also showed a surprised expression on the side.

Immediately, the thirteenth emperor thought of something again, and his expression returned to calm.

“Come back!”

The fourth emperor yelled, and once again hit a strong blow.

The violent mana poured down from the hands of a hundred gods, and the terrifying Strength crashed and made people shake.

Qin Yi did not move, let this Strength hit, and as usual before the blow, instantly disappeared!

“The 8th Layer of the First Emperor?”

This time, the fourth emperor finally recognized this means.

However, just because he recognized, his face became more and more ugly!

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