The wind is raging.

Hollow Empty Tremor.


Inscribed with countless gods, the attic of the lining, constantly swaying under the rolling air, like a candle swaying in the wind.

In the end, I couldn’t stand it and collapsed.

Dozens of hundreds of silhouettes, in the whistling wind, were blown away to sell the few dozen, which stopped the figure.

A light drink can break a hundred enemies!


Countless supreme talents climbed up from the ground and looked incredulous.

“A blow to hundreds of supreme talents?”

“This…how is this possible, I am waiting for the emperor to supreme talent.”

“When did Crown Prince become soformable?”

Many supreme talents seem to be like clay sculptures, and they are looking at Qin Yi, unable to accept all of this.

Qin Yi sneaked away, and the means of overturning the supreme talent brought too much shock and horror to everyone.

The words of the fourth emperor are even more like a thunder, and they are so stupid.

“Are you breakingthrough?”

An interrogation is to let the supreme talent instantly clear comprehension.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince, only the breakthrough through the realm, can only overwhelm them all together, unstoppable.

The Crown Prince breakthrough, which represents what, the supreme talent is clear, the rise of Crown Prince is unstoppable!

Even the possibility of Crown Prince winning the position of the emperor will be several times larger!

All the supreme talents are alive and well. For most influences, there is no permanent opponent, only eternal interests.

Benefits are the foundation of many influences.

For a time, the situation seems to be detrimental to the fourth emperor!

“Okay, the original big brother, you broke through the emperor, no wonder dare to make a supreme talent feast!

However, even if you break through the emperor, it does not mean that you can ignore the rules of the supreme talent feast, and trample on the rules set by the father! ”

In the end, it was the emperor who was in charge of the party, and the fourth emperor reacted extremely quickly.

Crown Prince breakthrough, he is already at a disadvantage on the cultivation base. If you let other supreme talents go to Crown Prince.

Don’t say that the Crown Prince is out of the game, he is out of the game!

“Supreme talent listens, I ordered the host of the supreme talent banquet, and this person who trampled on the supreme talent banquet rules!

Violating the Emperor’s Order, the Emperor is punished! ”

The fourth emperor shouted.

He must drop his big brother and break it into the penalty department, giving the crime of disturbing the supreme talent feast to death!

Only by breaking his big brother into the criminal department, the form of the emperor’s position can be reversed!


A supreme talent, only to order the fourth emperor.

In any case, Crown Prince’s crime of disturbing the supreme talent feast is no longer changeable, even if Crown Prince is promoted to the emperor.

The punishment of the penalty department, disturbing the supreme talent banquet, from the heavy penalty!

This was the order established by the great emperor to protect the supreme talent, and it was established since the beginning of the Tai Dynasty.

Once there was a family of supreme talent, the Prince of the First Emperor princes violated this rule, and was also killed by the Ministry of Justice in the prison!

Even if the prince pleaded, there was no use.

‘Crown Prince is too anxious. If he can bear with a little patience, he will make a plan and he will not be able to secure the position of the emperor. ‘

‘The good intentions are good, but it is not the best way. ‘

‘A moment of anger, but to lose the position of this emperor.

Crown Prince is too unwise. ‘

Supreme talent silently thought that it was a pity for Crown Prince.

If it falls into the prison of the Ministry of Justice, Crown Prince will not take off the Level 1 skin if he is not dead. If he is not good, he will be impressed in the heart of the Emperor.

No hope for the emperor!

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