Qing Yu Lou.

In the early days of the imperial capital, it was also counted as one of the best in the world. Many of the officials were so fond of looking for flowers.

Luxurious decoration, all of which highlights its deep and natural financial resources.

In the meantime, there is nothing more than a powerful family of Disciples, sect Disciple, or cultivation base!


The Qingyu Building is even more lively, and the supreme talent feast is held here.

Countless emperor’s supreme talent, gather here to participate in the event!

Every supreme talent is as mad as a dragon, and the whole body is shrouded in the light, suppressing the Hollow space around, and formidable.


A respectable supreme talent with overbearing aura, descending from the sky, far from the view of the Emperor Martial Artist, feel a sigh of suffocation.

“This is the Supreme talent quartz stone of the Emperor Shijiazhuang. It is said that the cultivation of the stone family secretly spreads the heart and does not move the mountain. It has already entered the ancient holy realm, but it is the supreme talent of the emperor.”

“The refining of the soul of the sect of the true biography Disciper Fu red-clothed, this is a demon head, a magical power has long been unfathomable.”

“Tang Family supreme talent Tang Mingbei, a supreme talent knife, one hand, the blind technology, the crown of the younger generation!”


Every time a supreme talent comes, all the Martial Artists are exclaimed.

These Martial Artists are not eligible to participate in the supreme talent banquet. They only gather near the Qingyu Tower to watch the supreme talent of the emperor.

The Supreme Talent feast of the millennium is a grand event for most Martial Artists.

Every supreme talent feast is their talk.

“Hey, the emperor is here!”

At this time, the opinions of a lot of Martial Artists were quiet.

Two luxurious carriages, coming from the end of the road, the horses of the cart, are a respectable aura tyrannical monster beast!

Sage great monster!

Where the carriage passed, countless Martial Artists felt a scream.

The realm they pursued throughout their lives, here is just the mount of others, the car that the emperor travels.

And when they see the logo on the two cars, they can’t be sucked in a breath of cold air.

鈥淭his is the car of the 4th Emperor and the 13th Emperor. Are the two emperors coming to the Supreme Talent Banquet?鈥?/p>

Countless people exclaimed.

This is a major event!

The relationship between the two emperors is well known among the emperors, but it is like water and fire, and they are not right.

If it is not under the pressure, put aside all considerations of face.

“It is said that this matter has something to do with His Royal Highness Crown Prince.”

A real-life Martial Artist suddenly interrupted.

“Isn鈥檚 Crown Prince not going to travel to Eastern Xinjiang, how can he relate to His Royal Highness Crown Prince?”

Everyone is confused.

“This is all old news. Just yesterday, His Royal Highness Crown Prince has returned to the Imperial Capital. It is said that he also brought back a powerhouse, which seems to be a disappointing powerhouse.

I don’t know the specific things. Anyway, it is probably that the two emperors are afraid of Crown Prince and want to join hands with Crown Prince. 鈥?/p>

The first Martial Artist who started to talk, whispered.

“The two emperors joined forces, isn’t the Crown Prince dangerous?”

The crowd exclaimed.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince has been away from the Emperor for hundreds of years, and this long time is enough for the Emperor Martial Artist to gradually forget it.

If it wasn’t for Crown Prince, it was the Crown Prince, and it was the supreme talent of the emperor’s alternate list. I am afraid that few people can remember it.

On the contrary, the four emperors, the emperor and the thirteen emperors, have lived in the emperor’s capital for a long time. For centuries, the prestige is far better than the Crown Prince!

In their eyes, the two emperors joined forces, and no one could be the opponent of the two emperors except for the few figures in the early imperial court.

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