“I haven’t seen it for hundreds of years, and my Royal Highness is still the same, and I will give you a cup!”

Zhang Shan said clearly, the voice is sturdy, like Hong Zhong, slamming this small pavilion.

When he finished, he looked up and swallowed the glass of wine.

“You can’t whisper to this singer, it hurts my ears!”

Moreover, His Royal Highness is still here, can you control your volume, don’t disturb your Highness! ”

Xia Xuanlong, aside, said dissatisfied.

This mountain walks together and condenses the magical body of the mountain. Not only is the figure soaring, but the sound is also amazing.

Generally, Martial Artist can’t bear his voice.

“Hahaha, isn’t this a surprise to see your Highness?”

Didn’t say anything about His Royal Highness, do you have any opinions? ”

Zhang Shanxiao smiled and his voice was a lot smaller.

However, he still screamed at Xia Xuanlong, calling Xia Xuanlong a dragon scorpion.

Xia Xuanlong has the Dragon Race bloodline. In Zhang Shan’s view, the Dragon Race is no different. Therefore, most of the time he calls Xia Xuanlong a dragon scorpion.

“What, you, Vajra, want to practice with me?”

Xia Xuanlong brow raised.

“Come on, who shoots, see if I don’t want you to be a dragon, and flatten it!”

Zhang Shan coldly snorted, seems to be disdain.

Said, already stood up, sturdy as a hill, the aura of the scorpion escaped from the body.


Xia Xuanlong had a big headache. This way, Vajra didn’t agree, and he thought about it.

In the past, if he met with him, there would be a fight, and Xia Xuanlong had to go around the goods.

If Crown Prince didn’t return to the Royal Capital, he didn’t want to meet this Vajra.

“Okay, you both stopped for a while.”

Qin Yi smiled and smiled. A pair of sleeves, a huge Strong, took advantage of Zhang Shan to return to the seat.

Although Zhang Shan’s combat power is comparable to that of the old Gu Sheng, under Qin Yi’s hand, he still has no resistance and is pressed back to his seat.

This hand, Zhang Shan has no feeling, Xia Xuanlong is a bright spot, asked: “His Royal Highness, has it broken through the emperor?”

Earlier, he learned that the man in the robes who was next to His Royal Highness was a quasi-emperor and defeated the guardian god of war.

But if the Highness is also broken through the emperor, the meaning of the representative is completely different!

Even Zhang Shan, whose mind is simple, is also a god.

Even he understands that His Royal Highness breaks through the meaning of the emperor.


Qin Yi has a light drink in the cup, and smiles lightly.

“it is good!”

Xia Xuanlong and Zhang Shan suddenly took the case and looked up.

Like Qin Yi breakthrough, they are more happy than the breakthrough of their cultivation base. In fact, it is also true.

Qin Yi’s identity at the moment is the Crown Prince. The meaning of this breakthrough is to them, but the influence of their behind, the meaning of which is not too big.

“Xuanlong is here, Congratulation cultivation base advanced greatly!”

“Xuanlong is here, Congratulation cultivation base advanced greatly!”

Xia Xuanlong, both of them immediately congratulated Qin Yi.

The joy in the eyes of both of them is almost overflowing.

At the beginning of the emperor’s position, after the Crown Prince’s breakthrough, he was already looking forward to it, even the contents of His Royal Highness!

“Get up!”

Qin Yi waved his hand at random.

The surprise of Xia Xuanlong, he did not care, these two people do not know, the Crown Prince in front of them, has not been the former Crown Prince.

Otherwise, the two will not be so happy.

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