“The powerhouse of this side of the world, the strongest is nothing but pure Yang Sword immortal, a peak ancient holy.

I want to say that Xuan Night Emperor is estimated to have been sealed for too long, just broke, the blood decline to the extreme, will be killed! ”

The tall man continued to speculate that the tone was arbitrary.

At the beginning of Great World, there were countless chaos in Heavenly Shining Continent, and he had never felt it in the day.

Or, in addition to a few emperors, there are very few people who can clearly understand the specific passing!

Even if it is not far from Heavenly Shining Continent, it can clearly understand some of the conditions of the day.

The tall men and the two have also learned a little through these World’s powerhouses.

“What a monkey demon god, when it was born, it would be impossible for the great emperor to move. What stick would kill the mysterious night?”

What a ridiculous joke, the great emperor’s strength, although the Emperor Xuan Night was not in the forefront of the emperor, nor did he establish the emperor.

But it is impossible to kill a great emperor with a stick! ”

The tall man sneered and sneered at the information.

As soon as this statement came out, the thin man was silent.

I have to admit that the tall man said it makes sense, or that there is such doubt in the heart of the thin man.

Known as Great Sage Equal of Heaven?

How daring the slogan, even the first emperor of Dongjiang, the true empire does not dare to use such a slogan!

Not afraid of being condemned?

This kind of cultivating base, whose cultivation base is not high, can have such a honor, but the great emperor can never have it!

“Hey! Even the great emperor dare not use the “Qi Tian” as the honorable number, who dares?

Nothing is just out of nothing, this party is putting gold on his face! ”

Tall man coldly snorted, he is more and more determined.

Cultivation base low can be the title, it is called the indefatigable, cultivation base high powerhouse, but also dare to such a honor, that is courting death!

Great Dao in the midst of it will never allow someone to take such a title.

Unless there is an absolute strength, not afraid of the revenge of the Great Dao of the heavens, it is possible that such a presence is at least above the Great!

Not to mention the East Frontier domain, it is rare in the center boundary!

“It is the swordsman who is a pure-sword immortal. It is very likely to be a powerful emperor of the strength. You can kill the Xuan Night Emperor when the injury of Xuan Night Emperor is not restored. The strength should not be underestimated!”

The tall man talked in a hurry and showed a hint of admiration in his eyes.

That is the Great!

To kill the Great Myriad Realms, how high glory!

Such a terrible deed, searching for the history of the eastern boundary, as well as the ancient times, there are such plausible cases!

For the martial arts of tall men, it is simply a fatal temptation.

“Xuanye Emperor was able to be sealed by Heavenly Shining Continent for more than a few years ago, and it is really possible to be killed by a quasi-emperor!”

The thin man was gradually shaken.

The tall man said that it is not unreasonable. At least the thin man is more willing to believe the tall man.

A stick can kill the same emperor, such a presence, even the shackles of their beliefs, may not be able to do it!

If there is such a presence, will this Bulo Dynasty still be here?

“However, how to explain the great formation outside the world?

Don’t forget, the mission that Jiang Prime Minister handed over to us is to give a congratulatory gift to the great emperor. It is said that it is still the intention of His Majesty!

Do you mean that your majesty is also wrong? ”

The thin man was in the heart, but he remembered the explanation of Jiang Prime Minister.

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