“Yeah! Yeah!”

The little guy is lying on his master’s hair and entertaining himself.

The innocent little guy is no different from the average child. The emotions come quickly, go too fast, and it doesn’t take long to be happy again.

“This little guy!”

Its owner is laughing and laughing.

This little guy is naturally immortality Dan, or Qin Changsheng.

This silhouette is the owner of Qin Changsheng, our emperor Qin Yi.

And this side of World is Qin Yi’s Zifu World.

Martial Artist practice After the opening of the purple house, the soul can be manifested in the purple house, practicing in the purple house, no different from the outside world.

Even in Zifu, the speed of comprehending the rules will be faster!

After Martial Artist enters the powerful realm, the promotion of the cultivation base is more dependent on the understanding of the law and hammering its own origin.

In Zifu World, you can not only rely on your own Zifu World comprehend rule, but also you can connect to the original source.

Zifu is located in the forehead between the two eyebrows. One inch is Mingtang, two inches is the cave room, and three inches is Zifu!

The origin of Martial Artist is condensed in Dantian, which is the lower part of the umbilical, the intersection of the yin and the dead, and the three inches inside is Dantian!

Therefore, Zifu and Dantian are in the line with people inin the body!

In the martial arts, it is a human universe!

When Martial Artist enters the realm of the Emperor and opens up the original World, it is necessary to combine the original source with the Zifu World, and then create a much larger Great World, which is the opening of the original World!

Most saints are versatile and generally choose to practice in Zifu.

Qin Yi is also the same, retreating for a month, the homeopathic breakthrough of the Sage 4th Layer realm!

Of course, there is a lot of experience from the Crown Prince’s practice, as well as the help from the little guys, so that they can break through so quickly.

“Sure enough, the practice after the sage realm, more depends on itself, the law of comprehend, can be regarded as its own Strength!

Otherwise, even if you rely on System, it is also a castle in the air! ”

Qin Yi silently summed up the harvest of this practice.

Most of the realm under the sage is based on the accumulation of True Essence, or the hammered fleshy body. Even if the heavens are feathered realm, the understanding of the law can only be regarded as fur.

Only by condensing the original source, if you step into the sage realm, you can count on the law and river.

At this time, the instillation from System has a great impact on its own practice!

If Qin Yi uses Slaughtering Experience and redeem realm, System will input the corresponding realm feelings, but the sentiment is somewhat plausible!

The understanding of the law is different from person to person, and everyone’s perceptions are different.

System instilled the sentiment, saying that good is its own sentiment.

In fact, it is something of others that does not belong to Qin Yi!

Qin Yi takes it for himself and can use it, but it is not his own comprehension, nor the experience of comprehend others. It is completely out of thin air.

Although it can be like an arm, it also has a gap!

At this moment, I can’t see anything. If Qin Yi wants to break through the realm, break the road, and open up the source of the world, then the problem is big!

The sentiment of this has a certain influence on Qin Yi’s breakthrough. If there is a breakthrough failure, more will be ruined!

At this time, the feelings from System are not help, but shackles.

Of course, Qin Yi can also re-examine it, but if Qin Yi has this effort, he can already rely on his own breakthrough.

Why, rely on System’s Slaughtering Experience breakthrough?

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