Ancient wooden house.

The sapphire is the column, the wooden vine is the window, the rich medicine fragrance is filled with the window, it is refreshing, and the nose can be used for a hundred years.

Countless Heaven Grade ancient medicine, Heaven Grade medicine pill, piled up together to form such a scene!

I am afraid that if a prospective emperor comes here, it will be tempted.

On the eaves, thresholds, and jade pillars of the wooden house, the faint sacred lines are looming, forming a great formation, which isolates the peep of outsiders!

If these great formations are launched, even a quasi-emperor can suppress!

Here is the drug court of the Wood Spirit Race, the most important forbidden place in the Wood Spirit Race, with the treasures collected in the wood Spirit Race for countless years!

Years of accumulation, all here!


The threshold opened and a scent of medicine fragrance rushed out.

A list of bookshelves, a lot of ancient medicine and medicine pill, are placed in different categories, stuffed with rich pharmaceutical fragrance!

“Your Majesty, this is the medicine cabinet of my wood Spirit Race, the collection of my family for hundreds of millions of years, all here!

The medicinal pill is five hundred 30, and there are more than a thousand strains of the gods. ”

Saying, the wooden Spirit Race patriarch has a touch of color on his face.

Want to refining a medicinal pill, you need a quasi-prestige ancient medicine, and then with countless adjuvants, made by pill refining Master refining.

Moreover, the rate of Cheng Dan is not high!

Wood Spirit Race has also accumulated for countless years, only more than 500 pieces of medicinal pill, and more than a thousand pieces of quasi-prestige ancient medicine.

Compared with other big tribes, it is comparable to the background of several big people!

“Not bad!”

Qin Yi swept the ancient medicine medicine pill in the eye medicine cabinet, nodded.

These ancient medicines, medicine pill, in the eyes of Qin Yi, he is not the most important thing is the medicine pill, but a huge number of Heaven Grade medicine pill!

In general, the Martial Artist of the feathered realm can take the Heaven Grade medicine pill, and the Sage is also taking the Heaven Grade medicine pill.

However, the feathered Martial Artist can only take the low-level Heaven Grade medicine pill, while the saint can swallow the Heaven Grade High-Level or Top-Level medicine pill.

Wood Spirit Race has accumulated centuries of medicine pill, enough for Heavenly Shining Continent’s feathering realm above Martial Artist, for thousands of years!

With the increasing concentration of spiritual qi, plus this batch of medicine pill, it is foreseeable that the practice speed of Heavenly Shining Continent’s Martial Artists will improve a lot!

However, Qin Yi glanced around in a circle, but there was nothing to make him feel the ancient medicine, or the medicine pill.

He did not have any accidents. When he arrived, he had already stepped into the peak of the ancient holy. In addition to the divine medicine, few ancient medicines could be seen by Qin Yi.

“Thunder King!”

Qin Yi start to talk, Lei Wang immediately thought, came out.

“Get up!”

Thunder King Hollow was empty, and a huge suction force was sprayed from his hand. The medicine cabinet was pulled out of the ground and the whole was lifted up.

Muir, the Zhengtianbao ship was shocked, and a light column was dropped on the medicine cabinet, and the medicine cabinet was included in the suction.

At this time, the clansman of the Wood Spirit Race was also under the power of the organization, entered the Zhengtianbao ship, ready to leave the Futian Emperor.

In the arrangement of Qin Yi, the levy warship was driven by the five-pole god of war, with the wooden Spirit Race everyone returning to Heavenly Shining Continent.

And with Lei Wang, he went to the Great World!


Under a command, the Zhengtianbao was shocked, and the whole body was brilliance. The Hollow space in front of the body crashed into chaos.

Under the control of the five-pole god of war and the others, go to Heavenly Shining Continent.

Qin Yi is also faintly smiled, and with Lei Wang, the body shape fades and disappears in Muling Valley!

偌大木灵谷, a person went to the building for a time, until a few days later, the powerhouse who came to the door to seek medicine found that the family had moved!

Mixed with the Emperor, it is awesome!

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