
On the sky above the head of Muling Valley, a plant tree swayed.

Five peaks of ancient St. together, its formidable power, such as terrifying, even the general quasi-emperor, need to retreat!


Lei Wang just chuckled, and the Hollow around him was dark.

A piece of thunder sea emerged from Hollow, and all kinds of vastness were all looting, and they all came to all around in Muling Valley.

Thunder glittering, the electric light is like a long snake, the sound is deafening!

There are countless powers of amazing sacred thunder, jumping in it, Zishen Shenlei, Five Elements, Thunder and Thunder, and so on!

Thunder sea landed, the entire Mu Ling Valley is enveloped in it, boundless, like a vast Thunder World!

One thought Thundersheng, Huashuihua Shenhai!


The thunder fell into the sky, poured into the glass of the god of the gods, and instantly torn the pieces of law into pieces.


The law was broken, and the internal qi was implicated. The wooden races of the Spirit Race were spontaneously squirting a blood, and the aura suddenly succumbed.

The incredible face of a crowd of old people did not think that the King of Lei would be soformable.

one move.

With just one trick, they were defeated and lost so cleanly!

The Thunder re-shocked, and the old family of the Spirit Race was also crushed to the ground, and the power of the wooden Spirit Race was no different.

At this moment, Ray Wang Ao stands in the Muling Valley, stepping on the patriarch of the wooden Spirit Race, next to thousands of Thunder, and locked the wooden Spirit Race powerhouse in place!

Let the wooden Spirit Race know how to smash and not get rid of his bondage.

“His Royal Highness!”

After doing this, Lei Wang turned to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi lifted his eyes and walked Hollow to the front of the wooden Spirit Race.

“His Highness, are you going to irreconcilable until death with me?”

At the foot of King Ray, the Wooden Spirit patriarch pair of eyes is red and stunned.

He is a wooden Spirit Race patriarch, a great emperor, when he was so humiliated, it was just to step on his face!


Wood Spirit Race patriarch roaring, within the body mana rolling like a river in the Yangtze River, want to take off from the feet of the King of Lei.

The glass-like azure light shines, and the hair of an azure dances, and the hand is forced to slowly support the body.


Thunder king coldly snorted, the foot force, once again stepped on the wooden Spirit Race patriarch.

As the second person in the thunder and thunder, Lei Wang followed Nine Heavens’s practise practice for countless years, and once defeated seven of the same-order powerhouse unbeaten!

The seven emperors can’t beat him, let alone the wooden Spirit patriarch, which is not good at attacking, not worth mentioning.

Even if the wooden spirithouse of the Wood Spirit Race has a few more, or even ten, Lei Wang can suppress it!

“Too… too strong, this person is too strong!”

A group of wooden Spirit Race is big, the body is shuddering, and the voice is shaking.

In their hearts, they can rank up in the top ten patriarchs of the Emperor, and they are so casual and unable to resist!

These means are almost as close to the Emperor Realm!

One person, suppress a big family!

Isn’t the powerhouse of the early imperial dynasty so well-formable?

On the occasion of the wooden Spirit Race, Qin Yi also walked in front of the wooden Spirit Race patriarch and looked forward.

“I ask again, can I wait for my main?”

With this at the same time.

A singular overbearing intention suddenly fell on the wooden Spirit Race and the others, Qin Yi in their eyes, like the master between Heaven and Earth, there is a thunder king, and its glory.

If the gods ask, the mortal can’t help!

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