The refining of the medicine pill is to use the divine medicine as the main medicine. This is the law.

Even if it is above the Great, it is impossible to break this law.

However, the emperor’s low-level magical medicine may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, the ancient medicine master wants to get a strain, the difficulty is no different from the sky.

It is impossible for the ancient medicine master to take the body after death, refining medicine pill, naturally it is impossible to refining the ancient dynasty!

Of course, the Ditian may have a low-level magical medicine, and the ancient medicine master can’t be stupid to seek the Ditian Emperor, hoping to get the Emperor.

Perhaps, when the ancient medicine master sought the mixed heavenly emperor, it was not a sacred god medicine, but the slaying of the Emperor!

This is not a joke!

The Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom is dying, and it is very likely that it will fall in the last hundred years. At that time, the Emperor is extremely likely to collapse!

On the bright side, it is a blessing to reunite a great emperor.

However, the bad is bad in the ancient medicine Master from the Muling family, not the mixed heavens!

If the ancient medicine master is a member of the mixed-day emperor, the mixed yuan may not say anything, it will come up with a divine medicine, let it refining the ancient emperor, in order to let it break through the great emperor, to stabilize the emperor The mountain river.

However, the ancient medicine Master is not a member of the Ditian!

Although it is also a member of the Futian Emperor, it is not a member of the Ditian Emperor. It is impossible for the Emperor to hand over the Emperor to the Master of Ancient Medicine.

Otherwise, the big emperor is behind, and the emperor is likely to become the Muling emperor!

Without asking for help from the Emperor, the ancient medicine Master can only refine the Spirit Pill, and the result is also clear by the Spirit Pill breakthrough.

In the end, it turned into a god medicine.

“This kind of medicine, but it can be used for this split, for breakthrough through the realm!”

Qin Yi eyes in the eyes of the ray of the beating, a burst of ripples.

The low-level magical medicine of the Emperor can increase the probability of the breakthrough of the quasi-Emperor, and it is enough for this avatar to break through the Great Empire!

This avatar involves Qin Yi’s plan for the Taishi Emperor, and naturally try to improve the cultivation base of the avatar.

Moreover, in order to compete with the Taichu Emperor for the control of the Taishi Emperor, it is not enough for the real emperor!

At the very least, you need Qin Yi to let this breakthrough to the Great!

The Great Emperor is a little far away, and you can only breakthrough the emperor to prepare for the late stage breakthrough.

Thinking, Qin Yi did not choose breakthrough here, but to put away the divine medicine.

In the end, it is in the construction of the emperor’s dynasty. In this breakthrough, it does not necessarily cause the jealousy of the Emperor, not suitable for Qin Yi breakthrough.


Qin Yi reached out and put away the rest of the treasures in the ancient drug secret.

In addition to the magical pills of the Spirit Pill and the ancient medicine master, Qin Yi can’t look into the eyes, but it can be used by the Bulo.

For example, many of the artifacts of the Artifact House can be used by Lu Bu and the others, smelt into raw materials, and rebuild the weapons for the Bulo.

Not to mention, a wide variety of medicine pill.

These medicine pills are enough for Bulo’s cultivation base to increase speed and increase the number.

On the contrary, it is the most intriguing in the hands of Qin Yi.

It’s a pity to throw it away, it’s tasteless!

“Ding! Congratulations Host completes the System mission and wins the legacy of the ancient drug master.”

After Qin Yi put all the treasures in the bag, the system’s prompt sounds.

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