The vast rivers and seas, blue waves.

The crystal clear waters, like stars, are dotted with starlight, like a huge mirror.

Muir, the living beings in it, broke the calm of the secret.

Sea birds Gao Xiang, flying fish prancing.

A singularly exotic animal with a strange color, plays quietly in this ocean.

There are flying wings and beasts with sharp wings and sharp teeth. There are sea eagle animals with whole body fur such as black iron. There is a huge shark like a mountain!

A head and a beast is quiet and peaceful, living in peace in the sea.

Among them, there are many different beasts of the great level!

In the sea center, there are seven huge islands.

Looking down from the clouds, the seven high mountains are arranged in a Big Dipper shape, lying quietly in the sea, very regular.

On each island, there is a ten thousand zhang high peak that stands still, as if it has existed since ancient times and has a long history.

On the mountains, the old trees are green, and the Wanzhang Waterfall hangs from it, and the mountains are fallen, and the layers of water mist are hit!

In the mountains, there are even grand palaces, which are seen by Qin Yi and the others outside the secret.


Qin Yi and the others randomly found a mountain and fell into a figure.

As soon as you fall to the mountains, you can feel the thick chaotic aura, like a strip of True Dragon, floating in it.

Qin Yi did not care, stepping forward, stepping on the steps of the sapphire, and walking slowly toward the top of the mountain.

The more you go to the top of the mountain, the spiritual qi is also more awkward and full of vitality, and the wooden Attribute spiritual qi is the most active.

If a mortal is living here, he will be prolonged, and life essence will last for thousands of years!

The Martial Artist of the practice Attribute cultivation technique, here practice, is one day, a thousand li , cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds.

In a short while, the palace on the top of the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

Ancient palace.

It is made of an unknown sapphire material, engraved with the sacred lines, and a wooden plaque hanging from the temple door.


As the name implies, the ancient medicine master leaves a place of inheritance.

A pill refining Master of the quasi-prefecture series, his inheritance, is in this temple.

“The inheritance of the ancestors…”

Mu Qing Cang expression shocked, the eyes of Guanghua released.

In this hall, there is the most famous pill refining Master in the history of Wood Spirit Race, leaving the inheritance, if you can, pill refining Master is expected!

Countless Alchemist, yearn for something even in one’s dreams.

Qin Yi just looked at her eyes and didn’t care. The inheritance of this ancient medicine master was really not in his eyes.

This ancient medicine master is even more powerful, and it can also refining the medicine pill of the quasi-prestige.

Qin Yi, who is the inheritor of the medicinal pill, is able to see the inheritance of this ancient medicine master.

If it is not System mission, he will not come here to take a look!

He came here, just to complete the System mission, nothing more.

Qin Yi swept across seven islands and found that the palaces on the other six islands, like the island at the foot, stood on the foothills of a palace.

However, the text on the raft is not the same.

Tibetan Medicine Hall, on Daodian Temple, Shen Medicine Hall…

All in all, among the seven largest palaces, there is a treasure and inheritance of all the life of the emperor!

If it is an ordinary Martial Artist, it can be turned into a peak ancient holy, even the emperor is possible!

There are many good things in this.

The magical medicine, the treasure, the warfare, everything is enough, enough for a Martial Artist practice to peak ancient holy!

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