“weng! ”

A symbol is quietly suspended, and it has a thousand rhymes.

Great emperor.

The Emperor shot himself and burned it with the Power of Source, which contained a full power hit by a great emperor.

Even a great emperor to break through a thousand worlds is not a problem.

One is the pressure of the universe, the town of the town!

Moreover, in general, the Great Emperor is rarely circulated in the eastern borders. Except for a small number of Emperor’s parents and the true teachings of the gods, the average person really can’t get it.

Or, if you get it, you can’t use it.

What a great emperor burns, without the approval of the emperor, you want to use it at will, it is tantamount to idiots say dreams!

As soon as this great emperor appeared, he locked the Attack of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor and gave him endless glory so that he could not be allowed to enter.

Obviously, this is the symbol that the Great Emperor specially prepared for the Crown Crown Prince.

Qin Yi has a hand in hand, a long gown with the wind, hunting and screaming!

This thing, of course, was left to him by Sun Wukong.

At that time, Sun Wukong used the power of God to hold the Crown Prince in the beginning, and also deprived the Emperor of the Great.

After Sun Wukong disappeared, it could not be taken away, and it was left to Qin Yi. This time, the avatar traveled and brought this great emperor.

How to say, he is playing at the beginning of the Crown Prince!

If you want to play, you have to play like a point. What the great emperor is, you can’t be lacking.

In particular, when you come out at this time, isn’t it the highlight of this Crown Prince?


The Emperor did not hit a shot, and did not shoot again, but slowly recovered the wings.

In his eyes, of course, it can be seen that this is not an ordinary emperor!

Everything in the world, in the invisible, or in the cultivation base, or because of the origin, or for other reasons, will inevitably be divided into different levels.

The great emperor is no exception, there is also an 3, 6 and 9 ranks!

Because of the difference in the cultivation base of the pen, the difference between the power of the Emperor and the Power of Source infused by the Emperor will have a large and small difference!

And this great emperor, from the bright side, you can see that this is not the general Emperor Fu, the Power of Source contained in it, even with his avatar, but still wins!

“weng! ”

Another whisper, the rays of light on the symbol are more dazzling.

The halo of the cockroach escaped and eventually condensed into a Hollow illusionary man, and then gradually became clear.

Shown from Hollow, from the distant Star River!

Crossing the distances of countless chaotic roads, descending to the Great World.

A mountainous silhouette, proud of standing, if you step on the entire World, exudes the aura of the mountain.

Like a mountain, like the sea, the moment, open up, stuffing Heaven and Earth, and aura against the heavenly emperor!

Although I can’t see his true face, the twins of the stars seem to be able to wear through the ages.

The entire World of Great World is in full view!

“Too early?”

The nephew of the Great Emperor, staring at this silhouette, could not help but solemnly.

This is the avatar of the great emperor who evolved from the great emperor!

A strong enough to contend with his avatar, a strong Strength is enough to compete with Him.

On the occasion that his body does not come out, the whole emperor’s dynasty, that is, his avatar, can be matched with it!

The Emperor also understands why Qin Yi is not afraid of Him.

This is the enthusiasm of Qin Yi!

A great emperor!

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