The wind stopped.


After the huge phantom, after discovering the scorpion, Space seemed to be pressed the pause button, suddenly stopped, and everything stopped flowing!

A huge scorpion like a moon, faintly watching Qin Yi, like watching a humble, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

If it is not because of his identity background, he has already been killed by his palm!

“The emperor of the emperor’s dynasty, you are going to the hustle and bustle of the emperor, shouldn’t you want to make a big fuss, and lead to the two wars?”

The big emperor suddenly started to talk.

This sound is so vast that it is filled with the vicissitudes of the years, like a god to start to talk, and ask the ants in front of him.

“Heavenly Emperor?”

Qin Yi pupil light condensed, whispered.

Unexpectedly, for the sake of the seven peaks of the ancient holy, even the Emperor of Heaven also personally lowered the avatar, and came here.

Under the Great Emperor, and the powerhouse above the Great Emperor, belong to two levels of life, with essential differences.

If Martial Artist enters the sage realm, it is the first life transition to reach another level of life.

Then, the existence of the Great Empire is a higher level of life!

The sage condenses the gods, som completes the first change, and enters the ancient holy realm, but also has the divine ability to regenerate the blood, as long as the soul does not die, it can be reborn.

The great emperor condenses the emperor’s body, soul completes the second transition, the achievement does not destroy the soul of the emperor, but it can not be destroyed!

It is difficult for a mortal to want to smash the heavens.

In general, there is very little war between the emperors. It is because it is easy to defeat the opponent. It is too difficult to destroy the emperor on the opposite side.

Therefore, most emperors, unless there is a full grasp of the emperor soul on the opposite side, or will not set off the emperor.

As for the soul of Xuan Night Emperor, it was broken by Sun Wukong, which is the gap between him and Sun Wu Space. It is too big!

Sun Wukong can stick to it and destroy it!

Except for the bad luck egg of Xuan Night Emperor, there are very few great emperors in the fall, which is why.

It is for this reason that the gap between the Emperor and the Emperor’s living beings is like a world that cannot be separated!

Such as cloud mud, the difference between God!

The Great Emperor looked under the Emperor, such as thousands of ants.

Even if it is the peak of the ancient holy, in the eyes of the great emperor is a slightly larger ant, you can crush it.

That being said, even if these seven peaks are all fallen, in the eyes of the Emperor, that is, seven ants died that’s all.

However, for the sake of the seven ants, the Emperor of the Heavens came down in person.

“Or, he is for me, that is, Crown Prince.”

Qin Yi flashed a thought in his heart.

The great emperor hangs down and has reached the limit of life essence.

At this time, the Crown Prince of the First Emperor Dynasty appeared in the emperor’s dynasty, and the Emperor could not have a little dip, nor could it be said without any indication.

Whether it is a threat or a manifestation of its own existence, it is also necessary for the Emperor to send a avatar to appear in front of Qin Yi.

Just like the tigers show their own aura, deterrent wolves!

Through Qin Yi, or the mouth of Crown Prince in the beginning, the numerous influences of the Eastern Frontiers are revealed, and He is not dead yet!

If you want to mix the idea of ​​the Great Emperor and the Great World, let him go far away!

This is the real purpose of the Emperor, the coming!

Shocking the major influences of the Eastern Frontier!

In other words, the loss of the Wing North Army is also to make it angry.

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