“hōng lòng !”

A thunder like a living creature, wandering in Hollow, with terrifying aura destroying everything.

Straight moved towards the wingers of the Northern Army, just rushed over!

In the eyes of everyone, the Thunder is like a grain of insignificant dust compared with the soldiers of the Wing North Army.

A moth like a fire, a stone that hits a stone!

But in the eyes of the soldiers of the Wing North Army, that is the Death God Scythe from the meditation, the judgement pen from the nine secluded!

“hōng lòng Long!”

In the horror of countless winged North Army officers, this smashing smashed into the army formation of the Wing North Army, tearing the black giant tiger that claimed to be able to suppress the quasi-emperor!

This wipes the dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, running through the entire wing of the Northern Army!

That wiped the thunder, this disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

“bang bang bang!”

At the same time when the Thunder disappeared, Hollow sounded countless flesh and blood bursting in the air.

Starting from the City Lord, where the Thunder fell into the wing, the first battle armor exploded, and the whole person exploded!

Muir, the wing of the City Lord behind the wing, also burst into bursts!

In the place where the Thunder passed through, one after another, the blood was broken, the broken arm was broken, and the body was splashed. At the end, the entire army of the Northern Army was all on the spot!

That scene can be described as bloody!

The place where the Thunder passed, is to leave a blank space across the sky, blood, spiritual qi, all are evaporated by the Thunder.

On both sides of the passage, it is a bloody rain, shocking!

“This this………”

At that moment, everyone was blind and stunned.

“Dead, all dead, together with the winged North City Lord, the soldiers of the entire Wing North Army are dead?”

Supreme talents who witnessed the whole process, looked dull and turned into stone sculpture!

Simply too terrifying!

Why is there such a powerhouse next to Crown Prince?

Hold the Thunder and decide Heaven and Earth, and take the helm!

This is the overbearing of King Ray!

A second place in the mythical heavenly thunder is the existence of the top spot. Although the cultivation base is equivalent to the quasi-emperor, the combat power is far superior to the general quasi-emperor!

The Wing North Army claimed to be able to suppress the emperor. In front of King Lei, that was a joke!

“Hahaha, old man Forgot, as the Crown Prince of the First Emperor, how could there be no powerhouse guard?”

A terrible laugh came from under the glass of the god of the glass.

A group of old Monsters, the King of Lei as the Taishi Emperor sent to guard the Crown Prince’s powerhouse.

Of course, for them, no matter whether Lei Wang is from the early emperor, it is not the existence they can resist!

The life of a main army and the whole army has also proved this to them!


Qin Yi did not go to see the scene caused by Lei Wang, but looked toward towards suppressing the group of old Monster’s glass god tree, silently, do not know what is thinking.

“Bai Jing, you won, you have to kill and listen to you!”

“However, if you kill us, your Majesty will avenge us!”

“A war of empires is inevitable, you are a sinner!”

This group of old Monster is also considered to have a bone, and no one is soft to Qin Yi.

Hear this, Qin Yi pupil light beating, seems to be considering killing or not killing these old Monster.


Suddenly, Qin Yi lifted the right hand.

“Family old!”

A lot of supreme talent, suddenly turn pale with fright.

At this moment, a majestic and low-pitched voice, like the ones that have drifted from the distant years, contains the flow of time:

“Enough, until the end, the Emperor of the First Emperor!”

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