The wind and the waves are overflowing and the sky is turned over.

A glazed god tree, pressed against the seven ancient peaks.


The great pressure spread all over the place, crushing the Space, pressing the supreme talent to have a retreat, a look of horror.

Even, across the number of 100 in the North City, countless creatures to complete the break, the heart is like a heavy mountain!

“Not good !”

The winged City Lord, who had just finished the communication, turned pale.

A pair of eyes looks at the Hollow space, such as the palm of the hand, will be the case of the mountain’s mountain range, as much as it is in the fundus.

“Wing North Army, collection!”

Then, the North Lord City Lord drank and screamed.

“bang! bang! bang!”

For a time, countless roads of formidable, rising from the north wing of the city, a silent silent sergeant gathered.

Big army collection!

In the mountain range, the glazed god trees are slowly pressing over the strength of the old Monsters, such as Nine Heavens, and they are pressed against them.


These old Monster roared, a movement technique, and the flames rose, and together they set off this world of earth.


The mixed-day Emperor is not dead, and the smashing screams make a sharp scream.

If you really mix the sky and then between Human World, it’s rampant!

The Chaotian Emperor said on the bright side that it is a mixed-race family, but in fact it is a big man, but it is pure blood.

In addition, the other people of the mixed Tiandi, that is, the descendants of the Great Heaven and other monster races, can not be pure blood!

Can only rely on practice to mix the Emperor, continue to purify its own bloodline, to return to the ancestors, become pure blood mixed.

The old immortality of this Divine Emperor is the bloodline in the two generations of the Emperor, and the practice of the Emperor of the Heavens has been innumerable for a few years.

If he can take this step, he will be able to achieve the emperor, even the great man is looking forward!

Unfortunately, the difference between this step is like a thousand miles!

Even so, it was terrifying to the extreme, and the wings spread over the sky and Nine Heavens was unmatched.

However, just hitting the glazed god tree is like hitting an indestructible god iron.


Straight to the old man who died in the sky, dizzy, almost fainted.

Muir, a green mantle fell, squatting on this old and undead body, directly through his chest, blood splashed.


The old man who died in the heavens did not die, and made a terrible noise.

The body of tens of thousands of feet is directly smashed out, and the muscles and bones are broken. It is not miserable!

If you don’t mix your body, you’re afraid of him being bombed.

“Family old!”

The seventeen emperors of the Emperor of the Heavens screamed.

Dignified The peak of the tribe of the Emperor, the ancient sacred of the ancestors, were almost bombed by the bombing, fleshy body!

The power of Qin Yi is too terrifying, hard to imagine!

“Is this really a realm with the old people?

Is this the enchanting of All Heavens and Myriad Realms? ”

The lion’s heart said in a voice that was almost murmured.

Such a force, as long as he dares to go forward, will be torn into pieces in an instant.

The so-called fleshy body, which is close to the peak body, is even more ridiculous!

The old man of the mixed heavens did not die, and the fleshy body was stronger than him, and he was almost smashed in one fell swoop.

Not to mention him, there is only one word to go up, die!

Moreover, it is dead and there is no residue left, and it is on the spot.

At this moment, the glazed god tree still hangs Nine Heavens, such as the fairy land!

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