
The god tree of Ancient, hangs in the hands of Qin Yi.

This old tree, after falling into the hands of Qin Yi, slammed into the brilliance of the brilliance, azure aura, and collapsed the heavens!

The leaves and leaves are swaying, and thousands of gods are falling, and the world is transformed!

“weng! ”

A chaotic aura bursts like a land.

“this is ?”

A lot of old Monster was stunned, only to think that the glazed god tree is different.

The aura on the glazed god tree is ten times more powerful than the old Mu Mu ancestors, and a leaf evolves Myriad Realms!

Glass shines, Myriad Realms is its China!

“How is it possible, isn’t this the old man’s glazed god tree?”

Qing Old Mu’s ancestors looked incredulous and said incredulously.

He can clearly feel a savage Strength, cut off his connection with the law, if not his cultivation base is deep, almost a breath will be sprayed out.

“Get together!”

Qing Old Mu screamed and greeted the rest of the old Monster.

In the end is the practice of tens of millions of years old Monster, see one can not beat Qin Yi, immediately choose to join hands.

As for what face problems, they don’t care.


The scorpio on the scorpio, the body shape, disappeared in place, the speed is fast, breaking through the billions of Hollow empty.

Mixing the sky, this is the speed of the Divine Beast under the gold-winged great peng bird, a fluttering wing, can shuttle three thousand!

Flapping wings and breaking the heavens, Nine Heavens stepping into Myriad Realms!

Under the sky, a rush, screaming in the air of Hollow, inciting Nine Heavens ten places, shaking the Great World!


The old Monster of other ethnic groups also took shots, and a movement technique pushed the force to the extreme.

Kun Hu Xiaotian, the blood bats are flying all over the sky, the Thunder is like a raging raging wave, the power is very incomparable, and the Hollow empty is broken!

The entire mountain range, turned into a boiling spiritual qi ocean, collapsed into a chaos, smashing everything around you!

Although it is a big World here, the World Barrier is a hundred times stronger than the Thousand Worlds, but it can’t hold the seven peak full power.

That is, in the Great World, if it is on Heavenly Shining Continent, I am afraid that several big states will collapse in an instant!


Qin Yi holds the wooden qingsang in one hand and drags the glazed god tree in one hand. Muir, the right hand moves gently, and the glazed god tree flies out.

The glass god tree welcomes the storm, a little bit of magnification, and instantly turns into 100 zhang high, glittering with azure!



At this moment, the glazed god tree gives a new feeling, just like the ancient tree that propped up a supreme World in ancient times, and walked out from time and space.

Longitudinal pressure eight waste, traverse Tian Cang!

Chaos aura lingers on, filling the internal qi of Heaven and Earth Initial.


The glazed god tree gently rushes forward, and the smashing sky is hit by a heavy hammer instantly, and the inch is bursting open!

Terrifying’s Strength didn’t stop, squatting on the old emperor’s old man, and directly hitting it to the bottom!

The body and the veins are almost like the scorpion, and the Collapse.

“Not good, his mana is extraordinarily thick, and he is far better than me!”

The old is not dead, and I can’t help but remind me.

The glass of the gods of the hands of Qin Yi has changed greatly, and the Strength contained is like a real world without pressure!

Unfortunately, his reminder is already late, and the old Monster has been shrouded in glazed trees!

A World Fall, what an overbearing Strength!

In front of this invincible Strength, everything is like an ant, it can be said to be impossible to withstand a single blow!


The holy tree Hollow sweeps across the ground and directly captures several old Monsters into the ground.

Sweeping invincible!

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