“hōng lòng !”

Like the sound of the ten thousand zhang high mountain collapse, from the lion heart within the body.

The dazzling golden light, flowing in the heart of the lion, the lion heart shrouded in the golden light, the whole person is like gold pouring!

Golden God of War!


The lion’s heart spit out the sound, and when it was empty, it was a punch to the black robe old man.

Grand qi and blood, running through the sky, crushing Hollow empty!

The Lionheart is like an invincible God of War. If you raise your hand, you can shake Heaven and Earth and smash a piece of World.

In the face of its unfathomable blood, Space is like a thin piece of paper, and it can be torn at will!

This is the terrifying of the near-peak god, enough to make the lion heart, in the same order, respect!

“Oh, it’s a great World, and even a supreme talent, it’s almost condensed to a strong peak.”

Qin Yi sees this and expresses his feelings.

In Heavenly Shining Continent, except for Qin Yi, no one else condensed the peak of the gods, and even most people, from the step into the peak of the gods, there are countless distances.

Even Qin Yi relies on System, True Dragon Bloodline and immortality Dan to condense the peak body.

Of course, Qin Yi is not frustrated.

Not to mention how long this lion has practiced and how long he has practiced.

Just Bulo Dynasty, the supreme talent, the Military General, can quickly catch up with and even surpass this lion heart, condense the peak body!

Qin Yi left Heavenly Shining Continent for a few days, but the changes in Bulo Dynasty can still be understood through the deity.

Every day, Bulo Dynasty has an ever-changing change!

The Military General, cultivation base headed by Lu Bu and Zhao Yun is constantly improving, and even the sage realm is broken in just a few days!

For example, Qin Yi once surrendered to the mysterious night demon race, the first battle will be the snake, but by relying on the remnants of the star snake ancient holy, igniting the plane Heavenly Dao, into the ancient holy realm.


Qin Yi doesn’t care, black robe old man is a big change in expression.

This fist of the Lion Heart has already touched the threshold of the peak ancient holy, not to be terrifying!

However, the black robe old man is a veteran power, countless years of accumulation, a lot of cards.


A savage python breath, black robe old man instantly turned into a body, a huge black scorpion, poison gas, sword light entangled, pervasive Hollow empty.

Sword light huanghuang, dyed with the black gas, smashed into a hurricane, constantly tumbling around the black scorpion.

“weng! ”

Black sputum mouth vomits, poison gas and sword light, it is a slash of a thousand miles of sword light, formidable power to increase dozens, hundreds of times!

The sword light cuts through the Hollow space and pulls Hollow out of a deep crack, revealing the chaotic turbulence behind it.

The black scorpion is empty and the poison sword is cut!


The lion heart is unchanged, and the punches are broken and continue to fight against the black.

I saw that golden’s blood column collided with the poisonous golden light, making a huge roar.

The afterglow of the escape, directly shattering the ten thousand zhang high mountains in the mountain range!

The earth cracked a path of **, soot!

The confrontation between the two, comparable to the two ancient saints, is enough to leave an indelible scar in the Great World.


The poison sword was the first to hold on, and it broke open.

“Not good !”

The black scorpion showed a horrified expression and wanted to pull back.

Just, it is already late!

Golden’s blood column pulled through the sky and landed on the black scorpion.


A roar, blood splashes, black body, huge body, bursting into the air!

Black drug lord contemporary Patriarch, die!

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