Wing North City.

Countless dawns come from all over the Great World.

More and more powerhouses have rushed from other big cities to Wing North City.

Money is moving!

The inheritance of the ancient medicine master has attracted many unknown powerhouses of Great World.

The Legend Ancient Medicine Master is only one step away from the Grandmaster Alchemist. The pill refining cultivation base is one of the most advanced people since the Chaotian Emperor.

A lot of practice pill refining a powerhouse, it’s coming!

In particular, the wooden Spirit Race, which was born from the ancient medicine master, is the supreme talent in the sentimental family, vowing to win the inheritance of the ancient medicine master!

Of course, not only the Spirit Race, but also the practice pill refining powerhouse, some other races of supreme talent, powerhouse, also swarmed.

The ancient medicine master has been famous for a long time, and it is also a quasi-emperor. His inheritance, in addition to the pill refining inheritance, all kinds of medicine pill is not lacking!

Even, there is no shortage of half-steps!

Therefore, the supreme talent powerhouse of all ethnic groups is all coming.


Every moment, the powerhouse in Wing North City can see the dawn of the formidable aura, falling into the wing north city.

Or arrogant, directly breaking the great formation outside the city, falling into the city!

Or quietly, enter from the city gate and step into Wing North City!

Also, before they entered the city, they had already attacked each other.


On the scorpio, a towering tree stretches the tree trunk, and each one is like a sapphire glass, covering the Hollow space.

The crystal clear leaves are swaying, full of endless vitality.

Under the big tree, a handsome man is playing a secret technique with anger.

“This is the wooden Spirit Race supreme talent of the rank(ing) 15 on the Heaven Ranking, Wood Cang Cang!”

The powerhouse in Wing North City suddenly recognized the man.

It is the Muling family born from the Master of Ancient Medicine, the first supreme talent of the family.

The Mixed Heaven Ranking is set up by the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom, which is modeled after the Dongjiang border. It contains the supreme talent of the modern emperor.

The Muling family is best at pill refining. Wood Qing Cang can rank in the 15 position, which shows the out of the ordinary of the innate talent cultivation base!

“Roll, Spirit Hollow, the inheritance of my Wood Spirit Race, not something you can say about Ray Spirit Race!”

The wood Qing Cang shouts, behind the ancient trees swaying, falling down the green mans.

Glass god tree!

The sages of the Mulings major, almost all of the power of the Wooden Spirit Race, understand a method of practice.

“sōu! ”

Qing Mang, like a knife, suddenly tears open the sky and stabs to the same place.

This Qingmang is extremely sharp, and each one can kill a powerful power. The cultivation base of the 6th Layer of the wooden sage is undoubtedly revealed!


At this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded.

A silhouette, easy to avoid the green mans of the wood Qing Cang.

Everyone looked at it, and it was a man with long hair like a thunder jumping, whole body glittering purple.

“Heather’s thirteenth Spirit Race supreme talent, Spirit Hollow!”

Someone exclaimed and said the identity of the man.

Ray Spirit Race and Wood Spirit Race are feuds. At this time, the supreme talent of the two races will be played, which is also a normal thing.

Even these two supreme talents, rumors that they met in the Taihan City thousands of years ago, almost broke the Taihan City!

If it is not the City Lord’s shot, the two men will be subdued. In the two supreme talents, I am afraid that one will fall.

“weng! ”

Hollow Hollow has a empty grip, and a thunder long spear appears in his hand, and the thunder is entangled, revealing a hole through Hollow’s empty aura.


The most prestigious fighter in the Ray Spirit Race, known as a shot to wear the High-Level great formation!

Just like the great formation of the Wing North City, you can also wear it!

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