In the eyes of Crown Prince in the beginning, Qin Yi, if it is the Martial Artist of Heavenly Shining Continent, should know his existence as well. He was already alive thousands of years ago!

Heavenly Shining Continent Ten thousand years ago, there were a dozen ancient Saints oversee, in the Eastern Frontier, it was considered a second-rate influence.

For these secrets, we should know something about it. Qin Yi knows nothing about it. What is it from other circles?

But at the beginning of the Crown Prince, I know that after the paradox of the mysterious night, the martial arts of Heavenly Shining Continent are almost cut off!

Even the martial arts cheats were almost cut off, and these related secrets, not to mention, almost all of them were burned.

In addition, even in the original Heavenly Shining Continent’s influence, there is still a legacy of this, Qin Yi has no time to understand.

Qin Yi has risen too fast, and all of his time has been spent on practice and conquest. There is no time to understand these things. Only recently, I read some of the classics that the Xing Xingjian had given him.

“In the beginning, Great World?

Qin Yi brow raised, said with a little doubt.

Previously, he learned from the classics of Yijian Palace that Heavenly Shining Continent was in a place called Dongjiang.

In the borders of East China, there are countless Worlds, and billions are absolutely life.

The so-called boundary is a collection of countless Worlds.

The entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms are divided into Dongjiang, Xihuang, Beili, Nantian, and center, with five vast boundaries.

The eastern boundary is the most eastern boundary.

However, in the classics, only the influence of the eastern boundary is only a few strokes, mentioning the first influence of Dongjiang.

For the Taichu Emperor Dynasty, there was no mention at all.

“Hello, my Taichu Emperor Dynasty is one of the top-ranking influences in the Eastern Frontier Territory, except for the true dynasty.”

My father is also a great emperor. ”

Crown Prince explained in the beginning.

Said, in the early days of Crown Prince’s heart full of hope, he carried out the intention of his father, is to use his father’s prestige.

I hope that Qin Yi will look at his father’s face and let them go.

It is because Sun Wukong has brought them too much shock, and the existence of one who can kill the great emperor is one of the best in the border area of ​​East China.

For example, his father, the great emperor did not kill the great emperor.

In the Yunchao, the Dynasty is above the imperial dynasty. It seems that there is not a small number of influences in the Eastern Frontier. ‘

Qin Yi lightly nod one’s head.

From the words of Crown Prince in the early days, it can be seen that there are many emperors in the East border.

It was one of the early emperors.

Then, Qin Yi continued to ask.

According to the Crown Prince in the early days, there are twelve emperors in the eastern border.

Among them, the true dynasty emperor, because of the existence of the true phoenix emperor, was revered as the first major influence of the eastern boundary.

In addition to the emperor, there are also groups of strength terrifying.

For example, the Divine Monkey family, the enchanting family, the demon family, and so on.

That mysterious night demon race, even if it is one of these races!

Most of these races have the great emperor. Although not as good as the 12th Emperor, it is also a first-rate influence in the eastern boundary.

“Now, near Heavenly Shining Continent, the most formidable of the influence, should be the mixed emperor, which has the big heaven oversee.

In addition to the mixed dynasty, there are only a few of the thousands of Worlds, of which only some sects of influence, or Dynasty. ”

In the beginning, Crown Prince respectfully said.

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