
Wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, echoing on the sky.

With a bright red sky, it is extremely infiltrating.

In a blood color center, it is a shrewd silhouette.

Countless demons, absorbed by the Xuan Night Emperor, first a little, then the whole body, all covered with endless blood color!

At first glance, the body of the Xuan Night Emperor show seems to be blood red, flowing with evil will, and thunderous bang.

In the beginning, the roar was still very small.

Muir, getting bigger.

Then, getting bigger and bigger, Tremor is a Holly empty!

Originally blurred the mysterious spirit of the Emperor of the Night, gradually clear, a little bit flesh and blood, and constantly grow.

First, the head, followed by the limbs, countless flesh and blood, filling the body of Xuan Night, want to condense a brand new floshy body!

“hōng lòng !”

The aura of Xuan Night Emperor is also more andformable.

The blood, the devil, and the origin of one of World’s worlds are gathered together, and the energy contained is too great.

The soul of Xuan Night Emperor is gradually reviving with this Strength!

The spirit of the Xuantan Emperor has also gradually grown, thousands of miles, miles, million li, 10 million li, billions of miles…

As if to restore to the appearance of the Emperor Night, you can compare with Heaven and Earth!

“Not good, Xuan Night Emperor wants to be born again!”

Heavenly Shining Continent expressed expression changed, surprised and shouted.

How can this not scare them!

Previously, the fierce and flamboyant Xuan Night Emperor, how terrifying.

If it is to resurrect, Heavenly Shining Continent will suffer another disaster.

“Sure enough, a great emperor is not so good to kill!”

In the beginning, Crown Prince eyes flashed, and through the barriers of Heavenly Shining Continent, this scene was unobstructed.

His bottom of the heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope, a little hope of escape!

If the existence is attracted to the Emperor of the Night, he will take this opportunity to use the secret technique to leave here!

Obviously, he is going to be disappointed.


Sun Wukong just spits out a word.


The Strength, which is invincible, surged from the body and quickly sealed the Heaven and Earth.

The resurrection process of Xuan Night Emperor was also interrupted.


Sun Wukong stretched out his fingers and gently swayed at the forehead of Xuan Night Emperor.

When Xuan Night Emperor was killed by his stick before his death, he could still face the storm in front of him after his death?


When the Xuan Night Emperor exploded, the blood of the Emperor was also blown up, and the fluctuation of the blood color escaped, turning into a thunder that spread all over the endless sky, like a spider web.

Cover Heavenly Shining Continent, the whole thing!

“This is the formation law?”

Qin Yi glanced at the Strength contained in the blood color Thunder, and the clear comprehension came over.

This form of Strength, He is too clear, but the same as the formation law of the mountain river gossip array, Hollow empty gate array, is the strength of the formation law!

Sun Wukong This is in the array, laying a great formation that covers the world!

“Improve the world?”

In the beginning, Crown Prince did not choose to escape. When he saw Sun Wukong’s handwriting, she was sucked in a breath of cold air.

He is more knowledgeable and sees the true intentions of Sun Wukong.

This is to depict a great formation that radiates a thousand worlds. With the strength of this great formation, enhance the spiritual qi concentration of Heavenly Shining Continent, background!

Will Heavenly Shining Continent evolve from Zhongqian World to Daqian World!

This is a big deal!

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