“Okay, Wukong.”

Qin Yi smiled and said to the unruly Sun Wukong.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Sun Wukong immediately expressed a positive attitude and respected Qin Yi.

He can not listen to anyone’s words, but Qin Yi’s words He has to listen!


Sun Wukong’s attitude makes Qin Yi pupil light flash, not because of others, because Sun Wukong is too respectful to him.

You know, this is the lawless Great Sage Equal of Heaven, even the three-level ruler that Daofather has appointed, and the people who dare to resist in heaven!

Even in accordance with Journey to the West, in the follow-up development, Budeng spent many years planning, which turned Sun Wukong into a battle against the Buddha.

Among them, Sun Wukong’s suffocating a few points, but also a question mark.

However, at this moment, Sun Wukong’s attitude toward Qin Yi is really a bit of a surprise and a bit of doubt.

Is the System soformable?

“Your Majesty, there are some things you don’t need to know for the time being, you just need to know that we are not malicious to you.”

Sun Wukong saw the idea of ​​Qin Yi at a glance, and explained immediately.

Hear this, Qin Yi stunned, and immediately became stunned.

The mystery of System is beyond the imagination of Qin Yi.

In System, even the sage Daofather can come out for other summons, let alone drive, not to mention Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is stronger than the sage Daofather of San Qing Dao.

Binding Sun Wukong did not go beyond System’s Ability category. Think of this, Qin Yi also relaxed slightly.

“Your Majesty, the time of the existence of the old grandson is limited, and the old grandson is still there, for you to transform and transform this side of the world.”

After all, Sun Wukong is Qin Yi. It comes from the singular summon summon. It is only a avatar and cannot exist for a long time.

The biggest time limit, that is, an hour that’s all!

Up to now, it has been nearly an hour, Sun Wukong has to hurry and do more for Qin Yi.

After that, Sun Wukong jumped into Heavenly Shining Continent.


Heavenly Shining Continent.

At this time, the vision of Xuan Night Emperor’s backwardness continues, and Heaven and Earth are sad.

Sun Wukong frowned , looks at this vision, expression is not intolerable.

“Cry and cry, take a plane, Heavenly Dao, and actually cry for the fall of the enemy!”

Give your old grandmother shut up! ”

Sun Wukong is drinking, while speaking, it is a sudden stepping on the Heavenly Shining Continent.


The mighty aura falls on Heavenly Shining Continent.

Like a playful child, the angered parents, a slap squatted on the face, playing Heavenly Shining Continent trembled!

Overbearing The unparalleled will, stirred up in Heavenly Shining Continent, sweeping away the vast vision, tyrannical!

“weng! ”

Heavenly Shining Continent trembled as if to be scared.

The vision between Heaven and Earth disappears, Demons and Gods no longer cry, blood rain no longer falls, and even a burning sun.

A glimpse of the clouds pierced the clouds and landed on Sun Wukong, such as Mu Shenguang!

At this moment, seeing countless creatures on Heavenly Shining Continent, they are almost stunned, and an unspeakable excitement reverberates in the bottom of the heart.

In a word, it’s a slap in the face of Heaven and Earth.

This is simply too overbearing!

As for the countless demon race warriors, it is even more devastating, the face is pale to the extreme, the whole body shivering, and now do not want to believe.

Heavenly Shining Continent, actually there are such people?

Their great emperor also died in his hands?

Even the day, be afraid of Him?

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