“What is this?”

Qin Yi corner of the mouth, revealing the expression of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

What is this, confuse him, this host opened the harem?

This breaks the System, what is the release of the mission!

Why is your own System, always so boring!

Whose System, like its own System, is also a part-time pimp?

“System, what is the mission you posted?”

Qin Yi calms his face and asks System at the bottom of the heart.

“Ding! About this, it’s blaming Host.”

The sound of the System is not shocking.

“Quiet me?”

Qin Yi’s expression was stagnation, his heart was not fluctuating, and he even wanted to hammer System.

This is clearly the pot of the system that broke this system. How can you blame it on your head?

“Ding, Host, has been a king for more than a decade, and has even become a royal lord.”

“Rother, Host has no sons yet, and as a lord, conquering All Heavens and Myriad Realms is a must.

However, for the development of influence and the stability of Dynasty, the quality of the bloodline continuation can not be less!

In order to stabilize the instability of Host, System must not release this mission! ”

System talks about it.


Qin Yi is speechless and speechless.

It’s a ghost in my own system, what Tenent wants.

Do you have any children, what is it that shuts you down?

Cooperating with I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

In addition, I have seen several faces with Lin Yunxue, and there is no relationship between Lin Yunxue and how to possibly incorporate it into the harem.

“Ding! Host, feelings can be cultivated, this Lin Yunxue is scanned according to System, with a hail bloodline.

The cultivation base is also a feathered realm, enough to carry the life factor of Host, and is the child of the excellent bloodline for Host. ”

“Furthermore, this System releases this mission, and Host can also get a summon opportunity, one move, two gains.”

System’s words are justified, and Qin Yi can’t refute.

Qin Yi has some headaches, and this System really does things.

However, how can it be tempered by System?

Even if you take the chance of summon, you are tempted, you will never…

“Ding! Host Please don’t cover up, don’t forget that this System and your soul are twins, and your emotional changes can’t escape the perception of this System.

Just when System released the mission, the System felt the heart of the Host. ”

System once again replenished the knife and pierced Qin Yi’s cover.

“System, you are spying on the privacy.”

Qin Yi was suddenly mad.

“Ding! This System doesn’t spy on Host, but Host’s mood swings are too obvious, and the System is easy to perceive.”

System explained.

Well, Qin Yi admits that his previous mood swings may be too obvious, which is perceived by System.

A summon opportunity, and it is from the exclusive summon opportunity, Qin Yi does not want to give up.

After all, as Mount Tai was discovered by summon, the chances of Qin Yi summon going to mythical characters increased a lot.

This time, from the exclusive summon opportunity, if you can summon a mythical character, Qin Yi will give up, and he will cry without a place to cry.

“System will not be allowed to sneak into the emotional changes in the future!”

However, Qin Yi is still the System Road.

He doesn’t want to let a System feel his emotions at will.

“And, what kind of mission, this is also taken.”

Qin Yi touched his nose and said awkwardly.

“As you wish, Host.”

System’s faint response, with a hint of tone in the tone.

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