“Out-of-domain demon race, chaotic turbulence outside Heavenly Shining Continent?”

Qin Yi eyes is slightly embarrassed, and my heart is a little bit uncertain.

Chaos turbulence.

Qin Yi has not been to the chaos, especially the Heavenly Shining Continent, and he has also visited it before.

At the beginning, Qin Yi’s incarnation Ye Tian, ​​initially grasped the Hollow empty gates that the dark emperor portrayed on the sin.

He used the Hollow Air Gate to step into the chaotic turbulence of Heavenly Shining Continent.

At that time, Qin Yi did not see the so-called extraterrestrial demon family.

Even in the chaotic turbulence, a silhouette has not been seen.

It stands to reason that Qin Yi had Hollow Air Gate Enforcement at the time, and the combat power was not weaker than the general saint. The extraterrestrial demon family should have nothing in their eyes.

However, the strange thing is that Qin Yi did not see the traces of the demon outside the domain.

Didn’t the extraterrestrial sneak sneak into Heavenly Shining Continent?

Qin Yi has a thought in his heart, but he is quickly denied by himself.

Take the strength of the extraterrestrial demon, if you can come to Heavenly Shining Continent in advance, you will soon be eager to fight, take the opportunity to occupy Heavenly Shining Continent.

How could it be so long and there was no movement.

Then, the words of Jiu Ling Xianzi also denied the idea of ​​Qin Yi: “In ancient times, Heavenly Shining Continent’s countless powerhouses fought bloody battles and eventually repelled the extraterrestrial demon.

In order to prevent the extraterritorial demon from invading again, the powerhouses of the ancient times had carved a great formation outside Heavenly Shining Continent to shelter Tian Yao. ”

“The great formation of the party is called the Tianmang Seven-Star Array. It is a sacred formation law. The power is amazing, and it is enough to withstand the extraterrestrial genius for thousands of years.”

“Unfortunately, thousands of years later, the power of the Tianxing Seven Stars array gradually faded away. For another thousand years, the Tianmang Seven Stars will be Shatter.”

The nine spirit fairy sighed softly.

Time is the most formidable Strength in the world.

Under the influence of time, the power of the saints will naturally fall after a million years.

Even if it is, the ancient holy giant is just a million years old that’s all.

The ancient St. Powerhouse is still the same, and the Tianmang Seven Stars array naturally cannot escape the power of time.

Even the Tianmang Seven-Star array is a combination of the ancient powerhouses and ranks among the formation laws.

However, thousands of years have passed, it is also on the verge of crumbling, and for another thousand years, it will collapse.

At that time, the extraterrestrial demon family can drive straight into the attack, attacking Heavenly Shining Continent!

“It turned out to be.”

Qin Yi flashed a glimpse of his eyes, and he didn’t think much more.

There is a seven-star array guarded by Tianmang, and the Tianmo Demon family can’t come to Heavenly Shining Continent. That is to say, at least for a thousand years, the extraterrestrial genius will come.

As for Qin Yi, why did he not see the traces of the extraterrestrial demon in the Chaos turbulence? Qin Yi only hides that ‘s all.

It is also a breeze to let Qin Yi not be able to detect their traces by the nature of the Tianmo family.

“I don’t know the Qin Emperor, I am willing to form an alliance with my Ice Palace, in order to cope with the demon family outside the millennium!”

The nine spirit fairy expression is positive, once again precious inquiry Qin Yi.

She believes that Qin Yi, who understands the cause and effect, will make the right choice.

It is no different from Qin Yi and Bulo Dynasty.

Outside the world, the demon family can not resist the existence of an influence alone. Only Bulo Dynasty and the Ice Palace can join hands to have a chance.


Qin Yi bounced his finger and asked again.

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