Ice and snow palace.

The white armor is burning and stands proud.

Zhao Yun holds a bright silver gentian gun and is guarded by Qin Yi.

However, the terrifying impering manner on the body is to let everyone present!

Zhao Yun’s imposing manner has overshadowed the ice crystal Phoenix condensed ice crystal Phoenix, close to the terrifying existence of the saints!


For a long time, someone was sucked in a breath of cold air, unbelievably looked at towards Zhao Yun.

It is possible to press Ice Crystal on the imposing manner, only one possibility!

That is the white armor youth, but a saint power!

“He is a martial arts sage!”

Disciple complexion big change, eyes full of fear.


Hold the sun and the moon in the palm, step on the foot!

On Heavenly Shining Continent, the saint is a top-notch character!

Even in the distant ancient times, and even in ancient times, the saints were called the power to dominate the rise and fall of Heavenly Shining Continent!

Now, the era of Heavenly Shining Continent strength decline, it is an invincible powerhouse, the most powerful power, can sweep everything.

Ice and Snow Palace and so on, the reason why you can sit in Central Province, look at the world, it is because there are saints oversee!

There is the influence of the saint oversee, which can be called the influence of the great religion, the Dynasty influence.

Now, in front of them, there is a saint power!

Moreover, the sage of this saint is actually obeying the order of Qin Yi, completely based on Qin Yi!

This is a saint Martial Artist!

The son of the sinner in this palace can make a saint bow down and worship him.

Even among the Seven Supreme Masters, the sage is also the dominant, not the leader.

“No, not a saint!”

The ice and snow palace elder brows and wrinkles, suddenly sighed in relief.

Careful perception of Zhao Yun’s aura, everyone still found that Zhao Yun is a little different.

Zhao Yun’s aura may be forformable, but after all, there is a certain gap with the saint’s power, and it has not reached the unstoppable level of the saint’s power.

However, although Zhao Yun is not a saint’s power, it is not a good person. The ice and snow palace elder is very convinced of this.

The elder elder standing at the forefront of everyone is not too shocked by Zhao Yun’s cultivation base.

On the contrary, what makes Yueyin elder care is that Zhao Yun calls Qin Yi.


Lord of Dynasty!

Qin Yi is actually a royal lord of Dynasty!

Lunar eyes elder eyes, ups and downs, constantly searching for memories in the mind.

Suddenly, the elder elder slammed and looked up towards Qin Yi: “You are the emperor of Bulo Dynasty!”

Finally, the elder clear comprehension came over and thought of the identity of Qin Yi.

Born in Qingzhou, not known to everyone, then only the newly emerging Bulo Dynasty!

A Dynasty who is on the top of the bones of the Buddhist sage!

A formidable Dynasty that stirred the Heart of Shining Continent!

A Dynasty that is jealous of many Supreme Masters!

“He…he is actually Bulo Lord!”

“Bulo Lord who killed a saint!”

“Also, only this emperor can surrender a Martian artist who is close to the saint!”

A lot of ice and snow palace elder, Disciple, also reacted, screaming.

For a moment, everyone’s face was ugly, and looked at towards Qin Yi’s gaze with a hint of tears.

Big brother, you said that you are the emperor of Bulo Dynasty.

In that way, we will not conflict with you!

Even if you want to take away the sinners in the palace, it is not something that you can’t discuss.

How can we get it now, let us be embarrassed!

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