“It turns out that you are the sinner of this palace, Yan Dan’s son!”

Yueyin fairy stared at Qin Yi, coldly said.

As the inner sect of the inner sect, she naturally knows the existence of Yan Dan.

However, with most Ice Palace Disciple elder, the moon fairy has never thought of it, Yan Dan’s son, can actually set foot on the ice palace.

The emergence of Qin Yi makes the moon fairy and the others quite surprised.

Of course, it was because Qin Yi just got into the position of the emperor.

Although, the news that Bulo Dynasty was promoted to Dynasty has also been passed to the Ice Palace.

However, not many people are familiar with the appearance of the Lord of Bulo Dynasty, and the elder and the others have not recognized the identity of Qin Yi. “Moon elder, you have to be the master of Zhu Elder, Zhu Elder has been killed by this person!”? Yueyin fairy has not continued to ask, alongside the Discer behind Zhu Elder behind, suddenly screaming. what! ?

Yueyin fairy and other ice and snow palace elder, have a shock.

At this time, they also found the blood in the courtyard, the eyes of the elder suddenly sink, cold and cold.

“This child is crazy, lunar elder, I have to kill it, to Zheng Gongwei!”? An ice and snow palace elder, angry and voiced.


a path of silhouette , stepping on the air, blocking all directions Hollow empty.

One bit of elder looked like a power, staring at Qin Yi.

In an instant, Qin Yi fell into the position of a group of wolves!

There is no amount of light, gathering like the sea, falling on Qin Yi.

Qin Yi is under the gaze, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

“Yi Er!”

Yan Dan’s face looked terrible, clutching Qin Yi’s hand and his lips white.

Get rid of the moon fairy and the others, together with the shot, she and Yi Er’s end, has been doomed.

“Is I thought I was eating us?”

Qin Yi grips Yan Dan’s cool hand, expressionless’s looked towards the public ice palace elder. Many ice and snow palace elder sneer, no words, ice-cold eyes ignore Qin Yi. In the eyes of the public elder, with the strength of Qin Yi, they are undoubtedly to decide their Qin Yi, Qin and Qin Yi are no better!

One person can watch the end of hundreds of ice and snow palace elders.

Ice and Snow Palace stands in Central Province for millions of years. Is it personally contending?

“bang!” The ice and snow palace elder simultaneous emits its own power, and it is full of ice and snow!

More than a hundred of the feathered sages are angry, and there is a chill between Heaven and Earth!

Frost on the frost!

The boundless chill is over the entire Heaven and Earth, making people feel like they are entering the cold hell.

Hundreds of feathered sages, together with aura, hiding the sky and covering the earth, shocked thousands of miles, even a group of Ice Palace Disciples, deacons, had to retreat far.

If it is not the place where the Ice Palace is located, there is no great formation guardian, saying that it is not necessarily all that Shatter is coming!

Even so, the building on the side is ringing in ka-cha, as if the next moment will be unable to withstand the pressure and collapse.

“I want to be more crowded and suppress us?” Qin Yi pupil light Quiet, start to talk.

“What is it!”

Yueyin fairy frowned, not to start to talk light drink.

“is it?”

Qin Yi is a scorpion, like a deep scorpion in the ancient well, reflecting a trace of mercy.

For a moment, the moon-yellow fairy looked at the pair of eyes, and the warning sign in her heart.

However, before she started to talk, Qin Yi has already shot.

“That is more than anyone.”

Qin Yi raised his hand and Hollow was light.


Wanhua Wanzhang!

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