
A punch, Heaven and Earth roar!

Qin Yi is angry, Strength is so vast, countless dragon’s hum sounds, in the with the body.

The power of 50 is full of explosions!


Inside the mansion, the clouds gather, split and open, and the punches are broken, if the dragons come out!

“this is……”

Zhu Elder looked gazing, showing a panicked expression for the first time.

This punch, falling in her eyes, is like all around a black, only this punch tears open the night, like the sun, shining through the ages!

There are sun and moon in the boxing, there is a god in the mind!


Zhu Elder is mad, reaching out to pull out a sword and rushing in his hand.

“weng! ”

In the midst of life and death, countless True Essence is like a money-free, injected into the treasure sword, and suddenly burst into the brilliance.

Immediately, a sword burst out, and the frost rushed out!

Ice and snow are pouring out, covering the sky, covering Qin Yi!


In the face of Zhu Elder’s counterattack, Qin Yi expressionless, does not retreat, the boxing is unchanged.

“hōng lòng Long!”

Fist strength to the yang, crossed the sky, smashed Hollow empty.

The next moment, it is directly to the ice and snow, streching to fall to Hollow no!

Qin Yi’s fatigue strength, without any pause, instantly hit Zhu Elder’s chest.


Zhu Elder even screams in the future, and was blasted.

The body burst, flesh and blood!

Zhu Elder, dead!

An elder of the Ice Palace was killed by Qin Yi on the spot!

There are many ice and snow palaces on the side of the Disciple, all of them are inexplicable and unbelievable.

This is a nobleman from the Ice Palace, and he is better than the realm’s sage, and the strength is amazing.

But it was Qin Yi, a direct blow to the slag, which made them dare not believe it!


Qin Yi pupil light dreary cold, faintly spit out a sentence.

Killing Zhu Elder with one punch, all in the expectation of Qin Yi.

How strong is his foundation, and there is an experience of killing the power of saints.

Even if Zhu Elder is the same as him, he can’t accept him a punch!

“Mother, who has been humiliated here, you pointed out.

Yi Er, take the item for you! ”

Qin Yi looks back, looked towards the same face, and Yan Dan, who is surprised, said softly.

While speaking, Qin Yi’s deep eyes, sweeping through the ice and snow palace Disciple, making everyone’s liver and gallbladder tremble, afraid of the next moment, they will die on the spot.

“Yi Er!”

Yan Danyi did not answer, just a look at pride at Qin Yi.

This is her son!

Peerless supreme talent!

The Lord of Dynasty, the feathers of the Lord!

Numerous layers of glory superimposed, let Yan Dan feel a sense of having a son and a lifetime.

“Yi Er, you are going, you killed Zhu Elder, it is bound to alarm the upper level of the Ice Palace, it will be troublesome.

With your innate talent, go back and practice for a while, enough to step into the sage’s power. ”

“At that time, you will pick up your mother and leave the Ice Palace. The Ice Palace will not stop.”

“Mother is here, there is Lin Junior Sister support, everything is fine.”

Soon, Yan Dan was awakened and hurriedly urged Qin Yi to leave.

In a few words, it is all the things that Qin Yi will worry about.

However, Qin Yi is a smile: “Mother, don’t wait, now, Yi Er, this will pick you up.”

“I see who dares to stop!”

The voice of Qin Yi is like a thunder, echoing in the ice palace.

Roaring thousands of miles!

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