
“Young Master, there is a saying that I don’t know what to say.”

Zhao Yun suddenly started to talk, look serious, solemnly said.

“Tell me.”

Qin Yi didn’t look back, and eyes still look at the palace on the snowy mountains.

“The Ice and Snow Palace is a big church after all, and it is not appropriate for you to go to the Ice Palace in person.

Your status is noble, rushing to the ice and snow palace, Weichen worried about any accidents, then the minister will die.

The petition of the minister is from the minister to the ice palace, and the queen will be picked up! ”

Zhao Yun expression A positive, serious statement, even the name of Qin Yi has changed.

Body worth a thousand gold, sit down!

In Zhao Yun’s view, Qin Yi is the emperor of Bulo Dynasty. His status is so noble. He should not be insured.

With his strength, even if there is any accident, Qin Yi’s mother can be brought back.


Qin Yi smiled and did not agree with Zhao Yun’s request.

Undoubtedly, as Zhao Yun said, it is the safest way to get back to the mother by Zhao Yun.

Even if there is any idea in the Ice Palace, under the strength of Zhao Yun, there are several people in the Ice Palace, which can be their opponents.

Unless the sages of the Ice Palace are shot, no one in the Ice Palace can stop Zhao Yun!

The ice and snow palace sage shot, it means that the ice palace wants to tear face with Bulo Dynasty, want to come to the ice palace sage do not dare to do so.

However, Qin Yi doesn’t want to do this, not because of others, just because of the overbearing in his bones!

Bloodline family.

Qin Yi has always been extremely valued. In the past, he did not hesitate to take risks and forced Bulo Royal Capital to rescue Imperial Concubine Mei.

Although, since the rebirth, Qin Yi has never seen his biological mother.

However, this does not hinder him, he wants to save the mind of the opposite side!

“She said that it is also a mother of sly, oh, personally.

Since it is the mother to go home, how can you be absent! ”

Qin Yi lifted his voice and snorted.

In the faint discourse, it is full of doubts that Zhao Yun can’t question!

This body is given by you!

In this life, I can fight for the battle, and step on the ice!

Qin Yi has been dragging on for a long time, and he has learned the news since then, and it has been more than a decade since it was!

If it is the end of the matter, Qin Yi will retreat, and there is no doubt that there is a back!

At the moment, the only thing Qin Yi wants to do is only one thing.

That is to step on the ice palace, after returning to your mother!

God gets in the way, then kill that God !

Buddha gets in the way, then kill that Buddha !

Furthermore, with his strength, plus Zhao Yun, why are you afraid of the Ice Palace!

“weng! ”

With Qin Yi’s meditation, the aura on his body is also surging. In the wing, although it is not forformable, it gives Zhang Yun tremendous pressure.

Zhao Yun knows that the Emperor’s mind has been decided and will not allow him to change!

And he only took the emperor to set foot on the ice palace, and took back the Queen Mother!

If there is a blocker, kill without mercy!

The emperor has decided, and will follow!

“Wei Chen obey!”

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, very solemnly said.

The next moment, the door of the restaurant opened wide, Qin Yi stepped out, Zhao Yun followed closely from behind.

After a while.

On the mountain.

The misty clouds shrouded the mountains, and looked up, and a winding ice palace was clearly visible on the mountains.


The two walked slowly, stepping firm and powerful, marching toward the ice palace.

Under the mountain.

Three thousand feathers Lin Wei arrayed in the chaos, waiting for the two to return.

I don’t know the ice and snow palaces on the mountain. Can you prepare for the arrival of the emperor?

I only hope that the Ice Palace will be able to understand things and not be dilemma with the Emperor.

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