“Hahaha, Qubing, you can see you again!”

Qin Yi couldn’t help but laughed heartily.

Going before, too Hollow Hill, the fall of Huo Qubing and the others, has always been the heart of Qin Yi’s heart, has been remorse.

But now, the mustard has been removed!

Because he was able to call Huo Qubing and the others back to him again, which is equivalent to giving him another life!

Even as a ghost of the Nether, Huo Qubing and the others can continue to practice, no less than the practice speed of life!

It can be said that this time System summon is undoubtedly a timely rain!

“Oh, very happy! System, I want to give you a great job this time!”

Qin Yi can’t help but praise the System.

This wave of summon, it is very spiritual, let the emperor happy!

Long Yan Da Yue.

Can resurrect Huo Qubing, the old minister next to Qin Yi, how Qin Yi is not happy.

At this moment, Qin Yi is even more joyful than summon to Zhao Yun and Mount Tai.


System did not respond and seemed to be speechless.

What to give this System a credit, do not know who, before, still hate this System, said the bad things about this System.

Besides, what is the use of this system for you?

After the excitement, Qin Yi calmed down and took stock of the ten consecutive draws.

This time, ten consecutive draws for Qin Yi summon to a lot of good things.

Court Guard Thirteenth Division Full Captain.

Chen Gong, Zhuge Liang.

Zhao Yun, Mount Tai.

The condensed method of the Ghosts and the three insignificant items.

In general, Qin Yi can be described as a harvest and a big profit!

Ten calls have not only solved the shortage of counselors in Bulo, but also solved the problems of Huo Qubing and the others.

There is also Zhao Yun and Mount Tai, which can be used to supplement the shortage of Bulo Dynasty.

“Well, let’s go out.”

Qin Yi is in a good mood, and he waved his hand and said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Everyone triumphed.


After leaving System Space, Qin Yi also arranged for Zhao Yun and the others.

For example, the Court Guard Thirteenth Division, as Qian Yi thought before, was arranged by Qin Yi to be side by side with listening to wind guards.

Chen Gong and Zhuge Liang and the others also took the position of a university student from Qin Yi and went to help Zhang Liang to handle the political affairs.

Zhao Yun was named as a white dress by Qin Yi, but because there was no war, Qin Yi stayed beside him, replacing Huo Qubing and temporarily serving as the leader of Yu Linjun.

As for Mount Tai, Qin Yi just gave him a free service to worship the temple, then sent him to manage the mountain river gossip array, combing the mountain river for Bulo Dynasty.

For Mount Tai, the official position is not particularly important, so Qin Yi has no special reward for it.

Not to mention, with the Mount Tai mountain god, the Bulo Dynasty spiritual qi recovery speed has increased more than 30%.

The future of Bulo Dynasty is a step closer!

Next, Qin Yi is honestly staying in Dynasty and dealing with politics.

During this period, Qin Yi also gave the future no life, to comprehend again.

The incense will always be regarded as a chicken rib by Qin Yi, and it has finally been used.

Using countless Bulo people, Qin Yi brings the incense willingness, Qin Yi will condense the future product of the big accomplishment, the future!

With one breath, you can calculate the existence of billions of terrifying!

After condensing the future, Qin Yi also took out from the hustle and bustle of government affairs.

By the future master, in conjunction with Zhang Liang and other Bulo courtiers, he handled the government affairs of Bulo Dynasty.

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