“military grain pills;

Grade Rank : No Grade Rank;

Source: Naruto World;

Explanation: shinobi World Universal food, shinobi is edible, and dogs are edible.

High-Level version of dog food?

should be? ”

This is the result of medicine pill summon.

“cough cough !”

Qin Yi’s face is as black as the bottom of the pot, even by his own saliva.

What is this pothole summon?

Canine rations?

The sly luck is so bad that only the dog food can be extracted?

Or is System still in the pot?

“System, is it a good thing for you?”

Qin Yi face was gloomy, and asked the System Road loudly.

With Qin Yi’s understanding of his own system, that little family, so careful, said that it will not necessarily remember the last hatred to the present.

This is two summon opportunities!

This time, he must clean up System.

Take the majesty of this Host!

“Ding! This System prompts Host, this System does not arbitrarily manipulate the extraction result of Host.

The last time this system intervenes in the extraction result of Host, it is no longer possible to intervene in the extraction result of Host.

and so…”

The words of System have not been finished, and the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

System does not intervene in System’s summon, which means one thing.


The emperor, your luck, is so bad!


Hear this, Qin Yi suddenly speechless, a touch of sadness crossed his heart.

Hey luck, really so bad?

You said that lottery got a piece of Grade Rank’s treasure, so it’s a matter of how to draw two pieces in a row, and one is worse than one!

Is it taken to the Court Guard Thirteenth Division, and the luck’s luck is used up?

“Don’t believe it, System gives you the continuation!”

Qin Yi eyes is a heavy, unbelievable loudly shouted.

“weng! ”

Muir, a bright silver light, flew inside the channel.

Bright as a white dragon, dazzling!

Silver rays of light Like the light of the stars, Twinkle Star, dip the Space channel into a bright silver!


A hoof sound, slowly coming from the passage, low and powerful, such as the dragon claws, shaking people!


Qin Yi expression A positive, heart beats, gazing at the inside of the channel.

He can perceive the inside of the channel, which contains terrifying blood aura!

This blood is even better than himself, I don’t know how many!

“hua la !”

In the water-like mirror, walk out of one person and sit on top of a horse!

The seemingly thin body stands still, but like a mountain of straight clouds, suppressing Heaven and Earth.

Wearing a white handsome hat, wearing a white dragon, a waist with gold belts, full of boots, behind white screams!

A pair of eyes like a clear wellhead, with the martial arts will!

Just look at the man’s face is also only two years old, but in his mind, the blood is like a white dragon, overlooking the sky!

“this is…”

Qin Yi saw the expression, and the expression jumped out of surprise.

This person actually gave him the feeling of Wuzhong Immortal!

Step martial arts, Ling Immortal!

“Ding! Congratulations Host is called to the three countries’ famous general, Zhao Yun!”

At the right time, the system’s prompt sounds.

“Hahaha, it turned out to be Zhao Yun!”

Hear this, Qin Yi suddenly ecstasy, Rao is his temperament, are a little excited.

As the saying goes, after the great sorrow, there will be great joy, the ancients will not deceive me!

Mortal Grade broke out!

This is the Mortal Grade explosion!

Actually let this Monarch draw such a powerful general!

From the mythical World, the white robe Wushen, Zhongyun Yidan Zhao Yun!

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