After Little Gold left, this family feast ended.

Qin Yi also rose to the Yu Shufang after spending a few moments with Liu Yiyi.

In the study, Qin Yi expression is excited and difficult to hide the excitement.

Because, System has been awake!

He can come in a wave of ten strokes!

“Ding! System has been updated and took seven days and seven nights.

The specific update content, Host can view it. ”

“Open the System panel!”

Qin Yi took a deep breath and sighed at the bottom of the heart.

“Host: Qin Yi

Cultivation Base: Feathering 1st Layer

Experience: 400000000/10000000

Bloodline :True Dragon Bloodline (10%) (purified)

Rule: Dao of the Emperor-Sovereign (Mastery, condensed law seed)

Qi energy :50

Martial Arts:

1, True Dragon (Heaven Grade Top-Level, Perfection)

2, Vientiane Sword Technique (Heaven Grade Top-Level Sword Technique, Perfection)

3, Tyrant Fist (Earth Grade High-Level cultivation technique, Perfection)

Secret Technique: True Dragon Swallowing Method (No Grade Rank, Reach the Higher Level)

No activated in the future (not activated)

Divine Ability: 1, not dead gold body: five-star divine ability;

2, body avatar: five-star divine ability;

Treasure: 1, Fallen Soul Bell: Top-Level Acquired Magic Treasure;

2, Juling Building: Acquired Low-Level Magic Treasure;

3, Emperor Dragon Sword: sacred low-level warfare (can grow);

4, mountain river map: Destiny heavy treasure, quasi-Sacred Item (can grow);

5, Emperor Order: Destiny Heavy, Acquired merits;

6, Thunder Mirror: Saint low-end warfare;

Slaughtering Point: 536000

Summon opportunity: ten times

Mission: 1, conquering Central Province, conquering the demon state, conquering Heavenly Shining Continent and other series of missions;

2, the treasure of the sage of the moon: hell level mission;

3, strong step ice palace: hell level mission;

From: Bai Zai, 鼬, Huo Qubing, Zhang Liang, Alto Liya, Hancock, Aizen, Lu Bu, spot, Whitebeard, white;

Servant: True Martial Mountain main sect family Grandmaster, falling wind ancestor and other four elephants surrender Martial Artist, ridiculous king and other sinart Martial Artist;

Infraency: Bulo Dynasty, Daqin Dynasty;

Army: Black Armor Cavalry, Fei Xiongwei, Qi Shanwei, Yu Linwei, and the state wolf ride, Daqin iron ride. ”

Qin Yi swept through the System panel quickly, and his Attribute Panel did not change much.

The only change is from the Expiration, Slaughtering Point column.

Too Hollow Mountain, Qin Yi killed a saint, twelve semi-sanctories, System took a total of 400 million Slaughtering Experience, and five 100 Slaughtering Point.

This point is not beyond the expectations of Qin Yi, but Qin Yi has not seen any changes to System so far.

Even if it is, Pet System, Army System, and Nuwa System have not changed much.


Until Qin Yi turned to the interface of the System store, Rao was his temperament, not sucked in a breath of cold air.

I saw, in the System store, Baoguang 璀璨, radiant!

Countless treasures, among them!

In the eyes of Qin Yi, a piece of Martial Arts:

“Eternal fairy furnace;

Grade Rank: Emperor Warrior;

Source: Eternal Dynasty Town, Chaozhibao;

Explanation: The sun and the moon are extinguished and I am not destroyed. Heaven and Earth are immortal and immortal, for eternity!

Xian furnace made, repairing the ages!

Redemption price: 200 million Slaughtering Point. ”

This is the update of System, which is exactly the update of the System store.

Everything in the System store has changed dramatically!

Items sold in the System store, the highest is no longer the Heaven Grade Top-Level, but the level of the Warrior!

This time the System update, it should be said that the System store is updated and refreshed!

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